?Brain researchers estimate that your unconscious database outweighs the conscious on an order exceeding ten million to one. This database is the source of your hidden, natural genius. In other words, a part of you is much smarter than you are. The wise people regularly consult that smarter part.

Michael J. Gelb (b. 1952) Writer, author

If your goals have a wellbeing aspect to them, is it time for you to take responsibility for your future health? What can you do to move you a step further towards a healthier, fitter future?

You?ve read the reports; you?ve seen the programmes and filed the information in your mental ?To Do? File. So do it! It might involve taking some omega-3 supplements (obtainable from either fish oil or vegetarian supplements), it could be that you need to up your water intake, it might be getting the old bike out of the garage but you haven?t quite got round to it yet. No more putting it off! The time and effort you invest in yourself from now on will more than provide you with a generous future dividend ? good health.

What better thing can you do for yourself than take care of your health?

If you haven?t already started to add a little more activity to each day then now is the time to start. If you have started, can you up the ante and push yourself a little bit more? You?ll reap the benefits if you do.

I can go on and on about this (and probably will!), but essentially it is down to you.

I?ve read that the best kind of meal is the naturally colorful ones (no artificial colorings in sight!). How creative can you get with your meals? Lovely crisp red, yellow, orange and green peppers, gorgeously crinkled Savoy cabbage, beautiful beetroot, crunchy carrots in all their golden splendour! Oooh, it makes my mouth water just to write this!

What can you do to help you increase your sense of wellbeing that involves no, or very little, cost? What do you like doing that would give you pleasure to do more of? Have you a book waiting to be read? How about going for a blustery autumnal walk? Go on! You can do it! Get those brain cells boosted!

Kate Harper is based in the beautiful Highlands of Scotland. Check out her website http://www.harpercoaching.com

She works with people who are fed up with moaning about their lives and have decided to do something about it. If that is you, please take a look at Kate's website. Her special interest is in promoting Wellbeing through coaching. She is happy to work with people from any part of the world.

The distance is nothing; it is only the first step that is difficult. Madame Marie du Deffand

Take your first step today and contact Kate.


Fat is classified into saturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, and monounsaturated fats. Saturated fats are believed to increase your risk for heart attacks when you take in more calories than you burn. We used to think that all polyunsaturated fats help to prevent heart attacks when they replace saturated fats, but now we have different information. Polyunsaturated fats are classified by their structures into omega-3s and omega-6s, and you need both types; these are called the essential fatty acids because you cannot make them in your body and must get them from your food.

For most of the time humans have been on earth we have eaten foods containing omega-6's and omega-3's in a ratio of about 2:1. However, over the last 50 years in North America, the ratio has changed to from 2:1 to 10-20:1. Our diet now includes huge amounts of oils that are extracted from plants and used for cooking or in prepared foods. These oils (such as corn oil, safflower oil, cottonseed oil, peanut oil, soybean oil) are primarily omega-6s. We have decreased our intake of omega-3's, found primarily in whole grains, beans and other seeds, and seafood.

Eating too much omega-6 and too little omega-3 causes clots and constricts arteries to increase risk for heart attacks, increases swelling to worsen arthritis, and aggravates a skin disease called psoriasis. It may block a person's ability to respond to insulin, causing high insulin and blood sugar levels and obesity. It increases hormone levels of insulin like growth factor-1 that causes certain cancers.

To get your ratio on omega-6s to omega-3s back to a more healthful 2:1, eat seafood, whole grains, beans and other seeds, and reduce your intake of foods made with or cooked in vegetable oils.

Dr. Gabe Mirkin has been a radio talk show host for 25 years and practicing physician for more than 40 years; he is board certified in four specialties, including sports medicine. Read or listen to hundreds of his fitness and health reports at http://www.DrMirkin.com

Free weekly newsletter on fitness, health, and nutrition.


Healthy bones need a variety of nutrients, including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, boron, copper, manganese, zinc and many vitamins. The popular notion that bone health can be improved simply by increasing calcium intake is false. In fact, numerous studies demonstrate that countries with the highest intake of dairy, such as the U.S. and Holland, have the highest incidence of osteoporosis and fractures, while countries with very low calcium intake have the lowest rates of osteoporosis and fracture. Instead of focusing simply on calcium, begin to think about strong bones as needing a strong and balanced diet to stay healthy. Eating more greens is a great way to start.

Green vegetables are the food most missing in modern diets. Learning to cook and eat greens is essential to creating health. Nutritionally, greens are very high in calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, zinc, and Vitamins A, C, E and K. They are crammed with fiber, folic acid, chlorophyll and many other micronutrients and phyto-chemicals. In addition to keeping bones strong, greens offer you a whole host of benefits including: blood purification, improved circulation, strengthened immune system, promotion of healthy intestinal flora, subtle, light and flexible energy.

But, the real reason to eat greens is that they are really, and I mean really, delicious. I eat greens as a major part of my regular diet and, when I don?t get them I crave them! Try them and I think that you will love them too.

When incorporating greens into your diet, find greens that you love and eat them a lot. When you get bored of your favorites, be adventurous and try greens that you?ve never heard of before.

Some greens to try: Broccoli, bok choy, nappa cabbage, kale, collards, watercress, mustard greens, broccoli rabe, sauerkraut, dandelion, arugula, endive, chicory, lettuce, mesclun and wild greens. Spinach, swiss chard and beet greens, although delicious, are high in oxalic acid, which depletes calcium from you bones and teeth. Keep eating them as they taste great and offer lots of nutrients, but it is best to cook these vegetables with something rich like tofu, seeds, nuts, beans, butter, animal products or oil to balance the effect of the oxalic acid.

Cooking Greens: Try a variety of methods like steaming, boiling, saut?ing in oil and water saut?ing. Eat them salted, or with a dash of vinegar, tamari or lemon juice.

Greens are delicious and nutritious. So, have you got greens?

To get started with greens, try my favorite Kale recipe:

Helen?s Favorite Kale Saute

1/3 cup toasted walnuts
? pound kale (about 6 cups, chopped)
2-3 cloves garlic
2 tsp olive oil
1/3 cup raisins
1-2 Tbs water
dash or two of balsamic vinegar
salt to taste

Toast walnuts either in the toaster oven or regular oven, at about 325 degrees for 5 minutes (take care not to burn). Set aside

De-stem kale, discarding the stems. Coarsely chop the kale and then wash it in a strainer.

Chop the garlic

Add olive oil to a skillet over medium heat, lifting and tilting the pan to coat. Add garlic and saut? for 15 - 30 seconds.

Add raisins and saut? for 30 seconds to 1 minute, stirring constantly to prevent browning or burning. Raisins should be glossy and slightly puffed.

Add Kale and a few spoonfuls of water, cover and allow Kale to cook for a two minutes or until the Kale is a deep green and somewhat wilted.

Add nuts, salt and a dash of balsamic vinegar.

Stir and serve warm.

Helen M. Hendrickson is the founder and director of Fit For Fun, an organization dedicated to helping you create vibrant health in your life with a holistic approach to diet and exercise. Helen is a certified holistic health counselor, personal trainer and level 1 triathlon coach and has worked in the field of health for over ten years. For more information about Helen and Fit For Fun contact us at (617) 957-4386 or Helen@getfitforfun.net or visit our website at http://www.getfitforfun.net


Dandelion leaves, when young, are a tasty salad vegetable. Dandelion roots can be dried, roasted and then ground as a good coffee substitute without caffeine and which has beneficial healthy effects on indigestion and on rheumatic complaints.

Nutritionally, dandelion juice is of remarkable value with a high iron content, quadruple the carotene content of lettuce plus rich supplies of calcium, potassium, and vitamins C and E.

With the juices of the stinging nettle and watercress it is the ideal basis for a 'spring clean' and is used this way in Germany as pan of a two week course combined with a diet without meat or much sugar or starch. This treatment helps to make the liver and the gall bladder normal, and it has a beneficial effect upon the nervous system.

The secret of growing your own is to use well dug soil and then to remove the flowers as soon as they appear. This avoids the random seeding of the plant and ensures a lush growth of leaves for several years. It is best to select seeds from a broad leafed variety as those are more tender and juicy. It is often mixed with the juices of the leaves of carrots and turnips.

As a diuretic, it can be taken alone. The Romans called the plant Herba urinaria, but this effect is the consequence of a dose of several ounces a day, whereas for other uses 2floz (50ml) is sufficient.

The humble dandelion is so often seen as an annoying weed in the garden and in the farmer's fields. Yet this attractive golden sunburst is a herbal medicine of renowned effect and great antiquity. The Germans call it Lowenzahn, or Lion's tooth, but the French Pissenlit, which means 'wet the bed' is more descriptive of its diuretic properties. In Belgium the dandelion plant is grown as a crop.

The botanical name Taraxacum comes from a Greek word which means to alter or to stir up and this refers to its medical properties. The specific word officinal used to be given to all officially recognized herbs.

Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which have information on information on various vegetables, their benefits are being provided with the inclusion of dandelion and other juices.


Next time you have a meal, look at your plate - what colors do you see? If its mostly white and brown then your diet might be colorblind!

In order to have a healthy diet you need foods from all the food groups and that means a colorful plate. Just eating meat and potatoes won?t provide you with the essential vitamins and minerals you need to stay in your best health - you need to add in colorful fruits and vegetables!

If you want a good balanced diet, here?s some colors you might want to see next time you look down at your plate:


Green colored foods like peas, kale, spinach, honeydew melons, kiwifruit, dark leafy lettuces, and leafy greens contain lutein which helps maintain good vision and can help reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.

Another green group includes broccoli, cabbage, bok choy, swiss chard, brussels sprouts, rutabaga, turnips, cauliflower, and watercress. These foods contain indoles, which can help reduce the risks of cancer and reduce tumor growth in cancer patients.


The yellow orange colored food are high in bioflavonoids, which work in combination with vitamin C to help reduce the risk of cancer and heart attack. They also contain powerful antioxidants and help maintain healthy skin, strong bones, and good vision. The foods in this group include oranges, tangerines, pears, lemons, nectarines, grapefruit, peaches, apricots, pineapple, pineapple, yellow raisins, and yellow peppers.

Blue and Purple

Blueberries, purple grapes, blackberries, black currents and elderberries contain Anthocyanins which can reduce the risks of heart attack, cancer, diabetic complications, Alzheimer?s disease and age-related memory loss. Dark purple foods contain phenolics, which are powerful antioxidants and can help to slow the effects of aging.


Dark orange foods like pumpkin, sweet potatoes, apricots, peaches, carrots, cantaloupes, mangoes, and butternut squash contain beta-carotene, a powerful antioxident that can help keep your immune system healthy as well as maintain good vision and can even aid in reducing heart attacks and cancer.


Tomatoes, guava, watermelon and pink grapefruit are all red colored foods. These foods contain lycopene which has been much publicized lately as helping to protect against prostate cancer. In addition, these foods can help reduce the risk of breast, and skin cancer as well as reduce the risk of heart attack.

Red onion, cherries, kidney beans, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, beets, red apples (with the skin), and red cabbage contain anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that can help control high blood pressure as well as reduce the risks of cancer, heart attack, Alzheimer?s disease, and diabetes complications.

One way to get a colorful plate at every meal is to try to fit in 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Try to include food from all these color groups at least once during the day and you will be surprised at how much your health improves.

Lee Dobbins writes for the A2Z Vitamin And Herbs Guide For Natural Healing where you can find out more about vitamins and herbs as well as natural healing methods.


Vegetables are strongly recommended because they offer a wide category of health benefits. Veggies are leading sources for many essential nutrients, such as vitamins A and C and folate. In addition, vegetable diets may prevent risk of several chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and some of the major cancers of the Western world such as cancer of the stomach , lung, mouth, esophagus , colon and rectum.

By nature most vegetables are low in calories. They are great in salads because people can eat them in their natural low-fat, low-calorie form.

Cooking vegetables properly is very important. Their weight control value depend on how they are prepared. If you want to loose weight you must avoid fried potatoes. The best for a healthy life style is to lightly steam vegetables in the microwave on the top of the stove. It is important to use as little water as possible to preserve their maximum nutrition power.

In order to rise the vegetable consumption, here are some ways you may follow:

  • Keep your meat on your dinner plate no more than 3-ounces (about the size of a woman's palm) and make the vegetable portions at least twice the size of your meat portion.

  • To avoid a grain calorie overload, eat equal portions of vegetables and grains at dinner. A cup of cooked rice or pasta has about 200 calories, whereas a cup of cooked veggies doles out a mere 50 calories.

  • If you use a sandwich for your lunch, make it half as usual and add a veggie salad to create a more satisfying, higher volume mid-day meal.

  • If you need a fast snack, build a sandwich that has more lettuce and tomato than meat. Be creative and try to eliminate meat and bred from your snacks.

  • If you are a pre-dinner muncher, try a plate of veggies before dinner to help curb your appetite.

    Valerian D is a freelance writer specialized in health issues like obesity. This condition may shorten life expectancy

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    Eating and drinking vegetables is necessary for good health and for keeping your skin free from acne. Most people don?t eat enough vegetables and seldom drink their juices. Here is a list of vegetables and their juices that you need to eat and drink daily to help eliminate your acne.

    Vegetable juices

    Vegetable juices are absorbed quickly into your bloodstream. As a result, your cells are quickly provided with nutrients that feed them and that wash away waste. Vegetable juices give you the opportunity to get quick relief from various body conditions such as acne, skin disorders, and constipation.

    Eating and drinking vegetables provide you with minerals and nutrients that build your blood, tissue, bones, and cells. It is minerals that build every part of your body. It is minerals that keep your body?s pH at the required level. It is minerals that keep your body alkaline by neutralizing body acids. Concentrate on putting minerals into your body by eating and drinking plenty of fruits and vegetables.

    Carrot apple juice

    Drink carrot juice every day. I like drinking carrot juice mixed with apple juice. My stomach can handle this combination better.

    Carrot juice contains many vitamins and minerals. It is high in beta-carotene. Carrot juice will enhance your skins health and help you eliminate acne.

    Carrot, spinach, and apple juice

    A combination of carrot, spinach and apple juice is a powerful drink for cleaning the colon, relieving constipation and improving your skin conditions.

    To make this drink, juice 3-4 carrots and a bunch of spinach. Then add juiced apples to make this drink more drinkable.


    The word phytochemicals is used frequent here. Phytochemicals are all of the chemicals that exist in vegetables and fruits. There are so many phytochemicals that scientists have yet to investigate and learn about all of them.

    Here are the vegetables that you should be eating the most of, so you can support the cleansing of your face and eliminating acne.

    * Carrots ? contain a rich source of vitamin A-like carotenoids. These phytochemicals have been shown to enhance the health of skin and repair it when it is damaged.

    * Cabbage ? helps to detoxify the body of harmful chemicals from the air and food additives.

    * Celery ? helps to reduce nervous tension. It contains many minerals that help to neutralize body acid waste and is high in fiber

    * Cucumber ? helps to reduce acne problems because it is high in silicon and sulfur. It is also a diuretic which helps flow more water through the kidney to clean out your blood

    * Broccoli ? is rich in beta carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, which is good for the skin

    * Garlic ? is a natural antibiotic and will help relieve skin bacterial infections

    * Green pepper ? The nutrients in green peppers are good for liver health and constipation. Its minerals are good for neutralizing acid waste.

    * Radishes ? help to digest your food. Good digestion is necessary to avoid constipation and to keep the liver and pancreas strong

    * Sprouts ? provide plenty of vitamins and minerals, which help to reduce body acids

    * Watercress ? helps to prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies at the skin surface. It provides Vitamin A, B1, B2, C, iron, manganese, copper, and calcium.

    Look this list of vegetable over, make a list of them, and head for your favorite store or farmers market. Concentrate in eating and drinking these natural products and you will see results in your health and a decrease in your skin disorders.

    Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. He writes a newsletter call ?natural-remedies-thatwork.com.? More acne hints and information on his acne e-book can be found at: http://www.acne-remedies.for--you.info


    We know that pesticides are definitely dangerous to human health. We also know that one of the best things we can do to avoid pesticides is to consume organic food. However, this isn?t always possible due to several restraints: availability, price, etc.

    There?s another thing we can do, however, to reduce our pesticide exposure: avoid the fruits and vegetables that are the most contaminated.

    When organic is not available, eat fruits and vegetables with consistently low pesticide loads.

    It?s been shown that you can lower your pesticide exposure simply by avoiding the top 12 most contaminated types of fruit and vegetables, and eating the least contaminated instead.

    Eating the 12 most contaminated fruits and vegetables will expose a person to nearly 20 pesticides per day, on average. Eating the 12 least contaminated will expose a person to a fraction over 2 pesticides per day.

    The Black List

    So, what are the most contaminated fruits and vegetables? Here?s the black list, according to the most recent data analysed:

    ---> The top 4 are fruits, in the following order:

    #1 (Most Contaminated): Peach
    #2: Strawberry
    #3: Apple
    #4: Nectarine

    ---> The other highly contaminated fruits in the top 12 are:

    #5 Pears
    #6 Cherrie
    #7 Red raspberries
    #8 Imported grapes (Chile, Mexico, etc.)

    Some of these fruits, such as peaches and nectarines and raspberries, can contain up to 45 different pesticides! Overall, studies show that those fruits have a high chance of being contaminated with a good number of different pesticide residues.

    As for the vegetables, those that are the most likely to expose you to pesticide residues are:

    #1 Celery
    #2 Spinach
    #3 Potatoes
    #4 Sweet Bell Pepper

    Those vegetables have a high chance of containing pesticide residues, some of them containing several!

    The Least Contaminated Produce

    ---> Now, for the ?good? vegetables, here?s the top, least contaminated, in order of purity:

    - Sweet corn
    - Avocado
    - Cauliflower
    - Asparagus
    - Onions
    - Peas
    - Broccoli

    ---> The least contaminated fruits are:

    - Pineapples
    - Mangoes
    - Bananas
    - Kiwi
    - Papaya

    Very few mangoes and pineapple have pesticide residues on them, and when they do they usually contain only one type. Bananas do often contain pesticide residues, but rarely multiple ones.


    To avoid pesticides, the best thing is to consume organic foods. When that is not possible, select the foods that have the least pesticides on them, and avoid those on the ?black list.?

    ---> Other importance tricks to help reduce our pesticide exposure:

    * Peel non-organic fruits, whenever possible*: That means pears, apples, etc. I know many nutritionists say that the peel contains the most vitamins, but it isn?t quite true. The peel of fruits is indigestible, so even though it may contain many vitamins, they are not assimilated as well as the vitamins in the flesh of the fruits.

    *Wash your produce with a non-toxic soap*. You can buy a non-toxic soap for washing produce in most health food stores. Use this soap to wash your non- organic peaches, or other fruits if you happen to buy them.

    Remember however that eating non-organic fruits and vegetables is still better than drinking organic beer or eating organic pizza!

    Young entrepreneur, Frederic Patenaude, is the author of the best-selling e-book ?The Raw Secrets? and is known for his no-gimmick, BS-free approach to health and nutrition. To learn more about ?The Raw Secrets,? and to read his FR*EE how-to articles and newsletter, visit http://www.askfrederic.com


    Summer is a great time to enjoy fresh produce and being outdoors. Achieving better health doesn't have to be a restrictive, unenjoyable process. Here are four easy ways to improve your health while enjoying the season. See how many of these ideas you can try this month!

    1. Berries- Berries are in peak season right now. Choose whichever you prefer- raspberries, blueberries, strawberries and more! In addition to being loaded with vitamins, they?re very easy to eat. I like including berries with my breakfast or alone for a light dessert.

    2. Farmer?s Market- Visit a farmer?s market for the freshest produce available, in addition to supporting local farmers! Your local grocery store's produce often travels a great distance, and the transit comes with a price. Your local farmer's market will have the most vitamin-packed fruits and vegetables, and they will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Here's an insider tip: bulk discounts are more likely at the end of the day, when the vendor is eager to lighten their load before packing for home. Remember to bring cash!

    3. Free Yoga- Many yoga studios offer a free class to new students, and sometimes bonus free classes are offered for those who bring a friend. Take advantage of these offers and find your favorite studio!

    4. Picnic in the Park- Now is the perfect time to have a picnic with a friend or loved one. Remember to bring lots of water, a book you?ve been meaning to read, food that is easy to store & eat- like sandwiches and fruit- and of course sunscreen.

    To avoid ants, use talcum powder around your picnic blanket. The ants won?t cross the powder because of the smell. Bring along a sprig of fresh mint to ward off bees as well. To ensure your drinks will remain cold, freeze the drinks you plan to bring along on the night before. Be sure to remember your camera!

    Have a great time this summer!

    Kristie Lyle is a health & wellness counselor with a private practice in Manhattan. She loves working with women who want to improve their health through nutrition and self-care. She is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City and a current student of Clayton College of Natural Health.


    A wise man once said, ?Blessed are those who hunger and thirst, for they are sticking to their diets.?

    What a fit description of the seemingly endless battles that we fight to lose weight and to stay healthy and vital for as long as humanly possible!

    Up and down, up and down, your metabolism bounces between walking pace and light speed; you have nightmares about celery sticks; you can work out the exact calorie count of every meal in 2.5 seconds; and the wheels on your exercise bike spontaneously combusted months ago.

    In short, you wear yourself out and end up landing on a bottom that, despite all your best efforts, still looks like a pair of bowling balls.

    Juice fasting is a great way to get off the dieting rollercoaster and see real results quickly. Safe and effective when carried out correctly, juice fasting benefits your entire being:

    Your physical wellbeing increases as the body is rid of toxins and excess fat.

    Your mind benefits because fasting creates a stillness that brings mental clarity and helps you to develop will power and to better control your senses.

    As you lose weight and feel much better about yourself, self-esteem improves and sets you on the road to what could be a life changing experience, connecting you to your spirit and helping you to achieve balance in your life.

    Juice Fasting and Weight Loss

    A juice fast is a great way to shed some extra pounds, especially when you?re in a hurry. During the fast the body uses its own stored substances and, at the same time, detoxifies. A healthy combination of juices squeezed from fresh fruits and vegetables adds vitamins, minerals and trace elements to the body.

    Because your only source of nourishment during the fast is water and the juices that you drink, it?s imperative that the juices you drink contain the maximum possible amounts of enzymes, vitamins and other nutrients in the fresh produce.

    Many of the juicers on the market process the fresh fruits and veggies in a way that destroys many of the nutrients in the food. A top quality juicer such as the Oscar VitalMax juicer is an excellent tool for the job because it serves up living juices. The food is processed in such a way that it retains as many nutrients and essential enzymes as possible.

    Juice fasting is a much better diet option than fad diets. Fad diets literally starve the body of nutrients. On the other hand, juice fasting provides the body with the nutrients it needs for vibrant health, helping to fix any chemical imbalances in the body ? even those created by fad diets.

    Juice Fasting and Detoxification

    Juice fasting for detoxification is probably the most well-known usage of this particular type of fast. Juice fasting allows the organs of the body to rest, cleansing and revitalising them. The organs? functioning is much better, which in turn aids in the digestion of food and production of energy for day to day life.

    Juice fasting may also be helpful for the treatment and prevention of fluid retention.

    Juice Fasting: How To

    Before launching into a fast, it?s a good idea to begin preparing the body a week ahead. Cut out or reduce nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, sugar and wheat. Ideally the diet prior to fasting should consist mainly of fruits, vegetables and beans.

    If you?ve never fasted before it might be a good idea to limit your first fast to three or four days. Sometimes abstaining from food entirely is a bit much, so it?s ok to eat fresh fruit or veggies if your stomach is complaining.

    Now its time to get juicing! If you can?t make your own juices buy them from a health food shop ? the fresher, the better. The GreenPower Kempo juicer is another excellent juicer that produces high quality juices to help you to get the best possible result from your fast.

    Mix between one and three parts of pure water with your juice of choice. To get you started, here a few tasty recipes courtesy of Fasting to Freedom, by Tom McGregor:

    Jogger?s Paradise

    3 oranges
    2 hard pears
    1 small yam

    Mix and add a little crushed ice. Great for energy.

    A Taste of Heaven

    2 carrots
    1 sweet potato
    2 apples
    Thin slice of Spanish onion
    Pinch of Dulse powder

    For energy and endurance.

    Red Ice

    1 beet
    1 sweet potato
    2 apples
    1 lemon
    1 tomato
    Thin slice of Spanish onion
    1 garlic clove
    ? can of frozen apple concentrate

    Sit back and relax!

    With the aid of a good juicer or fresh juice from a health shop, give yourself a power up and try a juice fast. Better than any fad diet, you can stop running yourself ragged. It?s a great way to remove toxins from the body, to lose weight, and to improve your health and wellbeing.

    Look better, feel better, be healthier than ever before!

    Please note: It's always safest to get the advice of a health care professional before making drastic changes to your diet, particularly if aren?t well to start with. Even natural juices can interfere with medication and you should consult your doctor before fasting.

    Written by Sara Schell from Spellcast Advertising.

    For more information on the benefits of making fresh juices a part of your regular diet, along with more nutritional information, recipes and tools, visit http://www.vitality4lifeshop.com.au and http://oscar-living-juicer.com


    You can spot a juicer a mile off at the supermarket or greengrocer. Apart from the huge number of carrots and apples they are loading into their trolley, they also have that slightly smug, see-how-healthy-I-am look about them. Or is that just me?! Actually, I don't buy a lot of carrots and apples any more, because (other than my indiscretion with a packet of shortbread this week) I've radically reduced the amount of sugar I take in. My juice of choice is a vegetable one, a green one - but more about that later, first let's ask...

    Why is juicing so good?

    In my article Enzymes and Raw Food, I explained why eating enzyme-rich food is so important. If you are buying cartons (or bottles) of juice, even many of those labelled 'freshly squeezed' you are almost certainly missing out on the enzymes. Why? Because they are likely to be pasteurised. There are different methods of pasteurisation, but all of them involve heating to temperatures a lot greater than 118F - which is the point at which enzymes are killed.

    Fresh juices, on the other hand, are packed with enzymes, vitamins, minerals etc. and they taste a zillion times yummier too. Plus if you invest in a good juicing book, you can select your ingredients based on your immediate health needs too. I recommend Superjuice: Juicing for Healing and Health by Michael van Straten.

    Do I need a juicer to juice?

    Wel, yes and no. There are so many juicers on the market and the prices vary radically. I always recommend that you start with a mid-priced model that is easy to clean. This is important. If cleaning it is a right old pain, you will be put off using it which is no good at all.

    The US market is probably quite different, but for UK readers, I use the Breville AWT JE3 which retails at just under a ?100. It's by no means the best juicer on the market, but it is very good for the price and a doddle to clean. Plus the new model features two speeds, one for hard produce and one for soft fruits.

    There is also the Magimix Le Duo which I understand to be better than the Breville AWT and is the same price.

    If you are reluctant to invest in a juicer at the moment but you already have a blender, you could just stick to smoothies. Or for around ?5, you could buy yourself a nylon sprout/nutmilk bag and simply strain the juice from the pulp to create your healthy drink. Make sure you chop up the produce and add some bottled water too.

    What should I juice?

    If you have acid reflux/heartburn problems, candidiasis, thrush, diabetes, IBS or an IBD, then you should avoid going overboard with fruit and sweet veg juices eg. carrots. (Actually this strategy will benefit anyone with any health issue!)

    The irony is that the sweet juices may be the ones you are most drawn to, but sugar feeds microforms (like yeasts, fungus, molds, bacteria and viruses) which thank us by excreting acidic, toxins into our blood stream when they 'digest' the food we give them!

    Your best bet is to stick to green juices which aklalise the body. I really struggled with this to start with as the flavour is a bit of an acquired taste but then I discovered lemons! My favourite juice now is...

    Claire's Green Goddess
    100g of curly kale
    2-3 sticks of celery
    4-5 inches of cucumber
    5-6 Green beans
    A quarter of an unwaxed lemon (with peel)

    The lemon really does do something special to the flavour. For those who are concerned about the acidity of lemon, here's an interesting thing; lemon is only acid outside the body. Once it goes in, it alkalises. Same is true of white grapefruit and lime. But not oranges or ruby grapefruit whose higher sugar content makes them more acid inside the body.

    If you have a sweet tooth and the lemon isn't working for you, you could try adding an apple instead, but aim to reduce the quantity over time.

    Should I peel?

    Obviously, you will want to peel some fruits and veg, eg. a pineapple. But using organic produce means you need only give the produce a good scrub rather than peeling it which is recommended for non-organic produce.

    And one final tip...

    If you want to add ginger to a juice and your juicer tends to spit the chunk of ginger out without really juicing it, put it through your garlic press and stir in to the finished juice! Happy juicing.

    Claire Raikes is a Wellbeing Coach, Speaker and Writer who 'cured' herself of a chronic, disabling and potentially life-threatening bowel condition without the use of steroids, surgery or any other traditional medical intervention. She now shares her passion for natural and vibrant health through coaching, speaking and writing about the importance and power of a truly healthy diet.

    She publishes a free weekly eZine, In Essence and is compiling an eBook of Healthy Fast Food with 25% of the proceeds going to The Cancer Project, a charity set up by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) and nutritionists to educate the public on the benefits of a healthy diet for cancer prevention and survival. If you have a recipe you would like to submit, visit http://www.LiveInEssence.com for further details. To book Claire to speak at your event, email her at Claire@LiveInEssence.com.


    Veggies with less vitamins? Yes, I?m afraid it?s true! According to recent research published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, fruits and vegetables today contain much less nutritional value compared to produce grown back in the 1950?s.

    Dr. Donald R. Davis of the University of Texas found that produce grown on huge modern agribusiness farms carry anywhere from 6% less protein to 38% less of the B vitamin riboflavin. Some other essential nutrients found to have dropped dramatically are calcium, iron and vitamin C.

    This is one reason most people today aren?t getting even the minimum Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of nutrition from the food they eat. And the RDA?s are only the bare bones necessary to prevent scurvy and beriberi. They?re not any where close to the optimum nutrition you need for excellent health.

    Since current hybrid varieties of fruits and vegetables are grown with synthetic fertilizers to increase plant yield per acre, they end up with less nutrition. Plants can?t get all the important minerals or synthesize sufficient vitamins and amino acids. Organic produce, however, is grown without artificial fertilizers, pesticides or genetically modified organisms, so it?s safer, more nutritious and tastes better too.

    Your health is your most valuable asset and optimum nutrition is essential if you want to look and feel your very best ? all day, every day. Extraordinary vim, vigor and vitality require that you add optimum nutritional supplements to your diet. This assures you get all the necessary nutrients to look better, feel better and have more energy. After all, wouldn?t you like to stay younger longer?

    Moss Greene makes it easy for you to look and feel better. Visit her site at http://nutrition.bellaonline.com to learn the simple things you can do for yourself right now. Be sure to subscribe to her free newsletter - you don't want to miss a thing!


    When you mention kale, the majority will look up with raised eyebrows and mumble ?What?? ?What?s that?? An old, hardly spoken of and powerful green food. Kale is a leafy green vegetable with a mild earthy flavor. The season for kale is between mid winter and early spring where it can be found in abundance in most produce sections of the local grocery store. However, one can find kale year round. Thankfully, kale is starting to garner well deserved attention due its nutrient rich phytochemical content which provides unparalleled health promoting benefits.

    Kale absolutely rich and abundant in calcium, lutein, iron, and Vitamins A, C, and K. Kale has seven times the beta-carotene of broccoli and ten times more lutein. Kale is rich in Vitamin C not to mention the much needed fiber so lacking in the daily diet of processed food eating Americans. The ?Icing on the Kale? are the natural occurring all important phytochemicals sulforaphane and indoles which research suggests may protect against cancer. Let?s not forget the all important antioxidant Vitamin E. Rest assured kale spares nothing in providing one with much needed nutrients and associated health benefits.

    The naturally rich sulfur content of kale deserves a bit more discussion. Science has discovered that sulforaphane, helps boost the body?s detoxification enzymes, possibly by altering gene expression. This is turn is purported to help clear carcinogenic substances in a timely manner. Sulforaphane is formed when cruciferous vegetables like kale are chopped or chewed. This somehow triggers the liver to produce enzymes that detoxify cancer causing chemicals, of which we all are exposed on daily basis. A recently new study in the Journal of Nutrition (2004) demonstrates that sulforaphane helps stop breast cancer cell proliferation.

    Kale descends from the wild cabbage which originated in Asia and is thought to have been brought to Europe by the Celtics. Kale was an important food item in early European history and a crop staple in ancient Rome. Kale was brought to the USA during the 17th century by English settlers.

    A leafy green vegetable starting to gain widespread attention, kale belongs to the Brassica family, a group that also includes cabbage, collard greens and Brussels sprouts. Choose kale with small leaves as they will be tenderer and offer a sweeter taste. Make kale leaves a regular addition to your salads. A saut?ed side dish of kale, onions, and garlic drizzled in olive oil is second to none. Enjoy your kale. You?ll be glad did.


    I wanted to write this article because of my sincere belief that everybody in the world should be taking the product I am about to talk about Greens First. This product contains over 49 super foods and tastes absolutely delicious. I have personally been on this super product for over 3 years now. I can't say enough about it. It is the only product that I can say absolutely positively works!! And the best part about it is it mixes in water very easily and you take it once a day first thing in the morning. And it doesn't taste like sawdust or make you want to hold your nose trying to get it down. It is like tasting clear water with a minty taste to it. It really is a refreshing taste.

    I can truthfully say I have not even had as much as a cold over that time frame. It is an unbelievable immune system booster. This is the only supplement that I presently take outside of some protein supplements for snacks and replacement meals. I have thrown away all my pills, capsules, tablets, and use this for all my vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant needs. It is the equivalent of taking in (10 plus servings of fruits and vegetablesdaily. I also cut my cost by over 50% on a monthly basis.

    I don't know about you but there was no way I was getting in 10 fruits and vegetables everyday. I mean once in awhile I would have an apple or a banana but not everyday. I really don't consider myself a fruit eater. I would have salads and veggies for lunch or dinner but that was about it. I had to do something to get the antioxidant power that fruits and veggies give you but I didn't want to take a pill or physically eat that many everyday, there was just no way around it.

    Since there is a high cancer rate in my family, I started to look around for an alternative and here it was Greens First Powder It was formulated by a team of doctors and professionals for the highest quality,assimilation, digestion, and most of all taste.

    This product is not sold in health stores, or on the shelf in super markets. You can only get it thru qualified professional distributors. I believe so much in the product I was fortunate enough to be able to have the right to offer this fantastic product to all my readership.

    You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to at least check this out. For more detailed information you can go to my blog under recommended supplements. See Below...

    Herb Daly jr.


    Nutrition usually only comes up when people are finally deciding to diet. By that point, the only purpose of mentioning nutrition is just to find a reason why one particular diet might be better than another. However, most fad diets do not work nearly as well as the originators claim they will, due to the nature of most strict diets.

    The majority of weight-loss diets work by banning you from eating certain foods that you would normally eat. Sometimes this means eating less of a food or ingredient, but often it means totally abandoning certain food groups.

    Obviously if the food you are cutting out altogether is junk food you will be better off nutritionally. The problem is that when you totally stop eating a food that you are used to eating regularly, you will get cravings for this food.

    Right from the start you will have a major temptation to cheat on the diet. Eventually you will probably cheat and render the diet useless. You should therefore opt for diets that don't restrict you as severely as this.

    Most diets tend to focus on one attribute of food as being a problem (such as carbohydrates, or fat). A better approach is to look at the overall nutritional value of the food.

    For example, many popular fad diets focus on eliminating fat, or sugar, or carbohydrates from the diet. This gives people blinkered vision by looking at only part of the nutritional picture and leads to bad nutritional decisions.

    Say you are on a diet which aims to avoid carbohydrates. You have to decide between a diet soda (which is bad for you in almost all respects but contains very few carbs) and a fruit juice drink (which is very good for you but is high in carbs). The diet would have you disregard your general health and go for the diet soda. The best choice is, of course, the fruit juice which is rich in minerals and vitamins and is much better for you.

    The best way to take care of yourself is to make sure that your chosen meals are nutritious, as often as you can. Try to make sure that you eat a balanced diet, consisting of several different types of food.

    When choosing food for its nutritional value it is best to avoid packaged meals and food. This food is packed full of chemicals and retains few of the minerals and vitamins present in fresh food. Pre-packaged food will also tend to have an unhealthy amount of salt in it.

    If you get into the habit of eating fresh food that you cook yourself you will become much more aware of what you are eating and what is in it. You will be able to ensure you don't eat too much sodium for example and it will be obvious to you if you are eating too much of one thing or indeed too much of everything.

    The most important thing to remember about nutrition is that in order to be healthy, you have to look closer at the ingredients in the food you eat. While different statistics like calories, grams of fat, and grams of sugar are good indicators, the ingredients list is key to figuring out whether or not you should eat that particular food.

    Connie Roemer is the Staff Writer of FF Nutrition This is where you will discover excellent information, resources and articles you want on nutrition. Connie also invites you to sign up for her free newsletter.

    To find out more go to: http://www.ffnutrition.com


    ?Eating less fat and having dietary programs has worsened the weight loss problem because the whole concept was built on wrong philosophy. Eating is thinking. And until flawed thinking is corrected, weight problem will persist.? Uzo Onukwugha

    Being over-weight is becoming an epidemic in the United States. Statistics states that 68% of U. S. population is over their ideal body weight. And that 1 in 3 Americans are suffering from clinical obesity. This sad statistics also includes children and teenagers.

    Despite the proliferation of low fat foods and endless barrage of fad diets, these statistics seem to be increasing. Individuals and companies come up with new and confusing dietary programs every day. Most of these diets do not work. Examples include Atkin?s diet (has some success), South Beach Diet, ABS diet, Cave Man Diet, Origin diet, and all sorts of diet code. The truth is that even if folks lose weight, 95% of them gain it back in one year.

    Oprah Winfrey created news a few years ago when she lost sixty seven pounds and gained back eighty four pounds a year later. She is not alone. I know of a popular preacher who lost weight and even wrote a best-seller, Lay Aside the Weight. The last time I checked, he has gained it back and has stopped talking about how to lose weight. The story is always the same regardless of who is involved. The church world doesn?t eat differently from the rest of the world.

    A lady asked me a question a couple of years ago, ?Why are all these men of so fat??

    ?Food,? I replied. ?We don?t teach gluttony as sin. The Scriptures says that if you?re given to appetite, you should put a sword down your throat for a binge.?

    I said all this to state that the whole multibillion dollar weight loss industry is built on a wrong foundation. Any house that is built on wrong substructure cannot stand. As long as the prevailing mindset is to lose weight, people will also lose it and gain it back. Most of these diets are unnatural and under tension, people will always go back to what they are used to. The mind is the greatest pattern recognition organ in the universe. And will conform to its original programming even when it will harm you.

    I was talking to a former footballer who was complaining to me about his weight gain. He kept on saying to me, ?I want to lose weight?I lost sixty pounds before. I can do it again.?

    I kept saying to him that weight is not the problem. Yet, he did not seem to get it. Weight gain is the surface rather than the source. If you deal with the source, the surface will disappear. He is not interested in learning how his physiology; neither does he want to know about healthy eating habits. Change the seed. The fruit you?re looking for is in the roots. This is the sad story about many people struggling with over weight.

    Blaming fat and cholesterol is not the problem, either. In fact, lack of essential fat can cause weight gain because of accumulation of the wrong fat. Nutrition is an evolving science?a sort of all-comers course. We know that there are the good, the bad and the ugly fat.

    The good fats are the essential fatty acids that we must take through the diet because they are necessary for cell membrane and nerve function as well as reproduction. The essential fatty acids are Omega 3, 6 and 9. We should consume more of them in that order. The ratio of Omega 3 and 6 is 1:4. Flax seed (oil) and Salmon Fish are good sources of Omega fatty acids. Udo?s blend has the right combination of all the essential fatty acids in a bottle.

    The bad fats are the saturated fats that everybody tends to recognize. These are animal fats from chicken, beef and hog.

    The ugly fat is trans-fatty acid that tend to act as free radical and damage the cells. Example her is margarines and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils we find in all sorts of cookies.

    I must add that cholesterol is not fat. And it is never found in plants. Animals need cholesterol for procreation. The problem is excess cholesterol. Fats are needed to emulsify and carry cholesterol to the tissues and blood vessels. (Erroneously, they are called cholesterol: High Density Lipoproteins, HDL: Low Density Lipoproteins, LDL; and Very Low Density Lipoproteins, VLDL). HDL is the so called good cholesterol, LDL is the bad cholesterol and VLDL is the very bad cholesterol.

    Change your mindset to eating right, exercise and maintaining a healthy eating lifestyle and nature will choose your ideal weight for you. It is a bondage counting calories before you go to bed. Don?t watch your weight; watch your diet and your weight will take care of itself.

    Ninety five percent of weight problem is caused by over-eating and eating junk. The body stores junk and excess as toxins in fat tissues if they are not water-soluble. Weight gain is worsened by sedentary life style. (Please don?t embark on any exercise program without proper diet and advice from a professional). It?s surprising that people blame obesity on genetics, stress, sweet tooth, emotional upheaval, diabetes, hypoglycemia, ignorance and indiscipline. These are merely the surface and not the source.

    Uzo Onukwugha operates a website that is geared towards changing your paradigm so that you can reprogram your mental software for business success. To learn more, visit http://www.weblinkbusiness.com and subscribe to his newsletter. Reach him with your care and concerns at: uzonukwugha@yahoo.com


    In the vegetable aisle of my local supermarket I am greeted with row upon row of ready washed, ready-to-eat salads in plastic bags full of air (sort of like pillows). They all look good, the leaves are green and fresh and there is no sign of discolouration or wilting. In fact, the word 'exotic' springs to mind.

    What's even better is that all I have to do is split open a bag and stick the contents on a plate, perfect for when I'm too busy to bother with sorting, washing and chopping vegetables. So I get a nice, tasty, nutritious salad with minimal effort. Or do I?

    Chlorine Washes

    It turns out that much of this fresh, ready-to-eat salad has more in common with my local swimming pool than a field of lush green lettuces, for it is likely (unless it is organic) to have been disinfected with chlorine (a powerful bleaching and disinfecting agent).

    Chlorine washes are used to prevent disease-causing bacteria from contaminating pre-prepared salads. My first thought was that perhaps this is no big deal, after all tap water contains chlorine, so if I wash it at home I'll only be doing the same, won't I? Well, not quite.

    Chlorine levels in tap water are tightly controlled and are typically restricted to no more than 0.5 mg/litre. It is common practice to use chlorine washes that contain up to 100 mg/litre of chlorine to rinse food that's sold as 'ready-to-eat', or to put it another way, 200 times as much chlorine as tap water.

    Alarmed? Well don't be. UK Government legislation permits this as long as all residues that might pose a health risk are washed off. What you really need to worry about is the by-products.

    When the sap from picked salad leaves reacts with chlorine, this can generate chloromines. Chloromines are known causes of eye and respiratory irritation. Unfortunately there is little or no research available to tell us if the by-products of pre-packed salads are harmful to us or not, or if indeed the people who pack them are in any danger.

    Members of the Fresh Prepared Salads Producer Group have responded to concerns about chlorination by-products and ill health by carrying out their own tests, the results of which they claim show no cause for concern. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt while remembering they have an invested interest in producing such results.

    Interestingly enough, EU Directive 2092/91 bans the use of chlorine for decontaminating organic food. This means that chlorine cannot be used to wash organic food anywhere in the European Union, including the UK.

    Some countries, including Germany, Denmark, Holland and France do not allow chlorine washing of any fruits or vegetables; water used to wash them must not contain higher levels of chlorine than ordinary drinking water.

    Modified Atmosphere Packaging

    The chlorine issue aside, appearances can be deceptive, as a salad 'pillow' is not full of air as I (perhaps naively) first thought. The plumpness of the bag is down to Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP), a process whereby oxygen is removed from around the food in order to stop oxidation and the subsequent browning of leaves.

    This is why as soon as a bag of salad processed in this way is opened it has to be used up quickly; the presence of oxygen starts to cause spoilage. In essence, by modifying the atmosphere around the food, MAP serves to increase its shelf life.

    MAP can also involve the addition of other gases, namely carbon dioxide and nitrogen. This is because some disease causing bacteria are still able to survive in the absence of oxygen; the additional gases prevent them multiplying by making the atmosphere inside the bag more acidic.

    It is of paramount importance that foods packaged without oxygen are stored and used exactly according to instructions (sometimes within 24 hours of opening). The absence of bacteria means there will be no odours when the food starts to spoil, and you may not be aware when it becomes unsafe to eat.

    Again the Fresh Prepared Salads Producer Group says that foods prepared using the MAP process are perfectly safe, and that MAP ensures food is as fresh as possible by the time it reaches the supermarket shelf.

    Furthermore, the manufacturers of ready-to-eat salads and the supermarkets they supply work together to ensure the food gets to the consumer as quickly as possible after harvesting and packing. Even so, this can take up to three days if the salad is grown in the UK, and up to seven days if it comes from Europe.

    So What's My Verdict?

    Whether any residues left on salad related to chlorine washing are harmless or not, drenching fresh salad leaves in chlorine does not appeal to my taste buds.

    I can't help but raise an eyebrow at the fact that chlorine washing of fruit and vegetables is not permitted in some countries and banned completely on all organic food in the EU.

    MAP means that no artificial preservatives are needed to keep the food fresh, so this for me is a big plus. But I'm still not sold on the idea of my 'fresh' salad leaves sitting in a sealed bag of an unnatural mix of gases for possibly days on end.

    On two separate occasions I have discovered live bugs in ready-to-eat salads I have bought. This leads me to take the view that if they were still alive, the chlorine process and the gases can't be harmful. But if the washing process does not get all the bugs off what's the point in paying the extra money to have it washed for you?

    So are pre-packed salads better or worse than loose, unwashed salad vegetables? For me, the jury is still out. So how do I buy my salad now I have investigated this issue? It depends how lazy I'm feeling.

    Sharon Kirby is a freelance health writer who likes to write about exercise, fitness, nutrition and a multitude of other health issues. She also writes about eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia and binge-eating disorder.


    While it?s still controversial which one is better, most recent study shows one definite advantage of vegetable protein over meat protein is that plant protein can help lower blood pressure. Those who consume a lot of vegetable protein have lower blood pressure.

    Researchers at Imperial College London did a survey on nearly 4700 people from the UK, the US, Japan and China. They found that the more vegetable protein the subjects said they had, the lower their blood pressure.

    The report published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine suggested vegetarians tend to be lighter than non-vegetarians, and that the amino acids and magnesium found in plant protein may play roles in lowering blood pressure.

    Since the study shows plant protein has at least one definite benefits that meat protein lacks, it is highly recommended we add some amounts of vegetable protein in our diet for overall better health. Good sources of vegetable protein include whole grains such as corn, wheat, oats, milo, barley, soya products such as tofu, soya milk, nuts and seeds like peas, beans, peanuts, almonds, pipe nuts etc. A well balanced diet including certain amounts of plant protein is definitely better than a diet that gets dietary protein from meat only.

    Interested in more information about healthy diet food? Then drop by http://helthydietfood.info.


    They are a very important source of energy. They are made of H,O and Carbon. You can even observe this looking at the name : ?carbo? stands for C and ?hydrates? stands for hydrogen H. The ?ate? part represents the Oxygen. The interesting thing is the ration of Hydrogen and Oxygen 2 to 1.They contain sulphur and nitrogen but in minute quantities.

    The fact is carbohydrates contain 4 kilocalories per gram and fats contain 9 kilocalories. The starch is found in foods like: rice, yams, bread and cereals. This starch is turn by the human digestive system into glucose. The glucose is transported all over the human body by blood vessels any they assure our body gets the levels of energy need it to run properly.

    If the food you eat is rich in glucose this element will be directly absorbed by the body without the need for digestion. Sucrose is the second form of carbohydrate our bodies absorb. When we think of sucrose we think the sugar we put in our everyday coffee. Even if glucose and sucrose are sugars the difference is the fact that sucrose at a molecular level is bigger so the digestive system must be put to work.

    The tissue respiration requires a lot of Oxygen. As a result of this proves a lot of Carbon Dioxide is produced but also the energy levels required for the normal functionality of the body,

    More information about the topic can be found on the site body building diet plan


    If you have an interesting article about body building,diets,supplements,vitamins or nutrition you should send it to our Email address contact@bodybuildinghealth.net and you will get in return a link on the page your article will be published.We only accept original articles not published anywere else !


    For some people it is really hard to give up the junk food and sweets and eat a better, more nutritious diet. So let's use the example of eating the 5 to 9 fruits and vegetables we need daily.

    There are ways to work with your mind so that it becomes much easier and more enjoyable to eat all those servings of vegetables we need each day.

    Did you know that you think in pictures?

    You are motivated by the things that you want to move away from that might cause emotions you don?t want such as pain, grief, anger etc. Examples: Ill health, overweight, not being able to join your family due to sickness is certainly things you want to move away from.

    You are also motivated by the things you want to move towards. Emotions that would go with this are feeling happy, satisfied, loved, forgiven, respected, etc.

    Move away from or move towards. These two ways you are motivated are the key to help you get past your dislike of vegetables and fruit if that is the problem .

    Decide which type you are. Which are you most motivated by? Do you put moving away foremost in your mind or moving toward?

    Ready to Start? Grab some vegetables. Look at them, feel them taste them, Chew on them. Snap them, break them up and hear the crunchiness. Involve as many of your senses as you can.

    While doing that, do one of two things:

    If motivated by what you are moving away from:

    Paint the picture of what you are leaving behind. Accentuate the problems. Make them look really big and bad in your picture. Show your self what the big bad picture would be like a year from now or 5 years from now if you continued eating your bad diet. Put a lot of feeling into this.

    If motivated by what you are moving towards:

    Paint a big bright picture of what you will look like and feel like when you have better health. Think about who you love, who loves you and what you want to do and could do when you have good health.

    Maybe you are not sure where you fit in to this process. Then play both pictures for yourself. Really put some pictures in your head. Use plenty of color. Turn the sound up.

    Now which did you feel more motivated to eat the vegetables you need?

    Play this picture over and over again as you eat the right foods, especially your vegetables and this will help you stay on track for better food choices.

    Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac. shares health answers that work, tips, nutrition suggestions and research in her newsletter and health blog. http://www.health-doc.com


    Vintage cook books are catching the eyes - and dollars - of customers. For some, vintage cook books are a trip down memory lane, a chance to recreate childhood recipes. Other customers are interested in food history. Avid cook book collectors may buy a cook book for one recipe only.

    Old cook books, the ones our mothers and grandmothers used, have things to tell us. The Victory Cook Book, published in 1943, is a good example. The title page tells you instantly what the book is about. Wartime Edition, the page declares, With Victory Substitutes and Economical Recipes for Delicious Wartime Meals.

    The key words for Americans in the thoes of a war were substitutes and economical. This cook book told them how prepare store food and home grown food. Cooks were told how to render the fat from meat, which was put in cans and turned in to local butcher shops. Hard as it is to believe, this fat was made into explosives.

    A large section of the book is devoted to menu planning. Doughnuts, cookies, and pancakes were to be eaten only after you had eaten wholesome foods. Meat was eaten in small amounts. Sweets were to be eaten in moderation and The Victory Cook Book recommends eating salad for dessert.

    Meat was scarce during World War II the chapter on meatless meals must have been very helpful. Just reading a dinner menu can make you feel full. A sample dinner menu includes chilled fruit, stuffed tomatoes, parsley potatoes, creamed asparagus, pumpkin pie, and milk. If that didn't fill you up nothing would.

    School cafeteria menus continued the fruit and vegetable theme. A sample lunch menu menu includes brown bread sandwiches filled with cottage cheese, a thermos of cocoa, applesauce, and graham crackers. Today's kids would probably strike if their school cafeteria served this food.

    The point is, there's no mention of a double cheeseburger, giant order of fries, or supersized soda pop. What is the new news in this old cook book? It's eating fruit and vegetables, things that can help us to feel fit and live longer lives. This news could help to reverse the obesity trend.

    According to government statistics 65% of Americans are overweight. Many Americans are eating double or triple servings of food and it shows. Go to a mall and you'll see people who are waddling, not walking, people who are at risk for heart disease and diabetes. Some Americans are literally eating themelves to death.

    Maybe it's time to return to the foods recommended in The Victory Cook Book. We can plan meals around fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains, small servings of meat, and few sweets. The best news of all is that fresh vegetables and fruit taste really good.

    The next time you go to a used book store or are on the Internet, look for vintage cook books. Find books that feature fresh fruits, vegetables, and vegetarian meals. Look for brand name cook books and booklets, too. You may be surprised at their new and healthy news.

    Copyright 2006 by Harriet Hodgson


    Harriet Hodgson has been a nonfiction writer for 27 years and is a member of the Association of Health Care Journalists. Before she became a health writer she was a food writer for the former Rochester Magazine in her hometown of Rochester, MN. Her 24th book, Smiling Through Your Tears: Anticipating Grief, written with Lois Krahn, MD is available from http://www.amazon.com A five-star review of the book is also posted on Amazon. You'll find another review on The Ameican Hospice Foundation website under the School Corner heading.


    When choosing vegetables and fruits, select a rainbow of colors to ensure you gain the entire range of benefits they offer. The various pigments in plants confer particular health benefits.

    Red and purple plants -- grapes, blueberries, strawberries, beets, eggplant, red cabbage, red peppers, plums, and red apples -- contain antioxidants that prevent the formation of blood clots.

    Yellow and green plants -- spinach, collards, corn, green peas, avocado, and honeydew -- include the pigments lutein and zeaxanthin, which help heal cataracts and macular degeneration and also reduce the risk of developing these eye problems.

    Orange plants -- carrots, sweet potatoes, winter squash, and mangoes -- have alpha carotene, a cancer fighter, and beta carotene, which helps repair damaged DNA. Oranges, peaches, papaya, and nectarines support the transmission of nerve impulses between cells and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

    Green vegetables -- broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, and bok choy -- have anticancer properties.

    Vegetables also help raise mineral levels in the body -- provided there are enough fat-soluble vitamins A and D in the diet to assimilate the minerals. Because individuals who have excessive levels of some minerals are usually deficient in others, they need to eat more of the vegetables that will normalize their deficient mineral levels and less of those that contain large amounts of the minerals in which they are oversupplied. Because it is in the pigment of plants that many of the minerals and other nutrients in plants are stored, the choice of vegetables depends to some extent upon color. For example, anyone with a potassium deficiency needs green, leafy plants because the dark green pigment in these leafy plants contains high levels of potassium; on the other hand, eating white, orange, yellow, and light green plants increases calcium levels in the body. When we lack a particular nutrient, we also lack one of the pigments that store this nutrient.

    an excerpt from the book Eat Right for Your Metabolism by Felicia Drury Kliment
    Published by McGraw-Hill; April 2006;$16.95US/$22.95CAN; 0-07-146015-2
    Copyright ? 2006 Felicia Drury Kliment

    Felicia Drury Kliment is a nutritional consultant in private practice and the author of the acclaimed book The Acid-Alkaline Balance Diet. Visit her website at http://www.eatrightforyourmetabolism.com.


    According to a 1997 study (revised in August 1998) by the Food and Drug Administration, Americans ate less than five servings of fruit and vegetables, less than five to nine servings recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

    Think we?ve improved? In 2003, according to a 5 A Day study by the National Cancer Institute:

    1) 74 percent of women surveyed and 85 percent of men surveyed didn?t think about eating the required minimum five a day, which the dietary guidelines recommend increasing to nine a day for men, seven for women. Note that this is a target goal, not an absolute number!

    2) 46 percent of men and 40 percent of women were aware of the original 1998 message to eat five servings a day.

    3) 12 percent of men and 19 percent of women ate the recommended amounts (minimum of five, maximum of seven and nine for women and men, respectively), though women were more likely to be aware of the recommendations.

    4) Six out of ten people polled thought it was good to eat a variety of different veggies and fruits in different colors, and nearly two-thirds of adults believed eating plenty of fruits and vegetables lowered their chances of getting cancer and other illnesses.

    New findings reported in the UK?s THE LANCET medical journal in January indicate that eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can lower the risk of strokes. Yet many people, especially men, are only contemplating changing nutritional habits.

    There are a variety of reasons why this is so, according to the FDA article, Fruits and Vegetables: Eating Your Way to Five a Day.?

    Reason #1: Fruits and vegetables cost too much.

    Solution: According to dietitians, fruits and vegetables are smart buys. They contain many of the vitamins and minerals we need such as vitamins A and C. There are ways to make fruits and vegetables an even better bargain:

    1) Buy fresh fruits and vegetables in season when they are at their peak in terms of flavor and nutrition. Then, you can always dehydrate them or turn them into juices with a juicer.

    2) Watch coupons and grocery advertisements for money off on your favorite fruits and vegetables and juices--canned, frozen, and fresh.

    3) Compare prices of different brands of canned and frozen fruits and vegetables and juices and buy the cheapest.

    4) Juicers cost far less in the long run than spending $5 a day in a juice bar, and owning one encourages you to eat fruits and vegetables.

    Reason #2: Fruits and vegetables take too long to prepare.

    Solution: Look for ways to make fruits and veggies an easy, delicious treat you?ll want to eat.

    1) Your grocery store has many ready-to-serve raw vegetables and fruits in the produce section. These items can be used easily in juicers and dehydrators without any loss of flavor or nutrition.

    2) Buy a juicer and make fresh fruit and vegetable juices whenever possible. Juices can be refrigerated or frozen, but for maximum benefit, drink fresh juice as soon as you make it.

    3) Keep on hand canned and bottled juices, homemade juices, and frozen, dried, and dehydrated fruits and vegetables.

    Reason #3: Fresh fruits and vegetables spoil too quickly.

    Solution: There are great ways to preserve fresh fruits and vegetables if you aren?t tempted to reach out and grab a medium-size apple (one serving).

    1) Turn fruits and vegetables into juices. Juice is not as likely to spoil and can be frozen.

    2) Buy both fresh and canned fruits and vegetables. Eat the fresh vegetables first. You can even dehydrate and preserve them. Then, save the canned items for use later.

    3) Keep fruits and vegetables where you can see them--in juice bottles and quarts, on the top shelf of the refrigerator, or, for oranges and bananas, on the table or counter or another easy-to-spot-place. Attractive bowls or containers and veggie or fruit trays will invite you to reach out when you?re hungry.

    4) Vary your veggie and fruit colors so you?re not tempted to let strawberries spoil and lettuce wilt. Think veggies all have to be boring green? Think again! You can place, for example, fresh carrots besides avocadoes. Have an avocado-and-tomato salad. Did we mention guacamole?

    Reason #4: People are concerned about pesticides in their food.

    Solution: The increased availability of organic produce makes your food choices safer?you don?t have to worry about your healthy snacks. Just make sure to read labels?not all produce is 100% organic. Some other helpful hints:

    1) Wash your fruits and veggies?even if bagged salads say pre-washed. Use a vegetable brush for fruits and veggies with skins, such as apples and potatoes.

    2) Outer leaves of cruciferous or leafy vegetables wilt quickly, and pesticides are more likely to linger. Toss them.

    3) Although fresh is best, steaming, boiling, or baking will cleanse your food.

    Fruits and vegetables offer a variety of tastes and nutritional values. And--surprise--most of them make delicious juices with little extra effort. The FDA has a complete list of vegetables available.

    Think five, seven and nine. Like the respondents of the 2003 study, you?ll feel better when you do. Visit 5ADay.gov and say, ?Gimme five!?

    Kristin Johnson is the health editor for LivingRight.com, your source for health appliances, including juicers such as the Omega 8003 juicer, the powerful top-selling juicer for fruits and vegetables. You?ll also find other health-enhancing juicers such as the Green Power Kempo, Champion Juicer 2000+, Green Star Juicer GS-2000, and the L?Equip Pulp Ejector Juicer Model 221. Visit http://www.livingright.com for health appliances and ideas on living right.


    Before we go any further the word diet does not necessarily mean an act of losing weight but a style of eating. If you follow a healthy diet you will lose weight naturally and you will get into a lifestyle that will keep you weight stable.

    Every week a ?new healthy diet? comes out by some expert and it often appears that there are as many healthy diets as there are experts. Taking the cynical viewpoint these experts have only hit the world with a new regime to sell their latest book, DVD or new line of health food products. OK, everybody has different dietary needs due to their body type, metabolism, and genetic makeup but there are some basic guidelines that can be followed to keep to a healthy diet.

    One of the first steps to a healthy diet is to rid your body of all the rubbish that is already there. These are the toxins that have built up over time. Well one way of doing this is to go down to your local pharmacy and get a pre-packaged detox kit and follow that for a specified length of time. Or you could buy antioxidants in supplement form. These are both workable quick fixes but you really need to make you diet a lifestyle.

    Antioxidants are abundant in fruit and vegetables and generally, brightly coloured fruits and vegetables contain the highest levels of antioxidants: for example, yellow, orange, and dark green vegetables and citrus fruits. Now the Catch-22 in this is that you are better to be eating organic produce so that you are not introducing more toxins into the body as you neutralise the ones that are already there.

    Research has shown that children who regularly eat organic foods have lower levels of toxic chemicals in their bodies than those who only eat conventional foods.

    Fruits and vegetables are also high in other vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C is abundant in strawberries and oranges and this helps to support the immune system. Carrots and sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene, which is important for vision and high levels of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin K can be found in green leafed vegetables to support the health of our bones and teeth, among other things.

    Some helpful guidelines to follow: Eat two to four pieces of fresh fruit daily, and fill half your plate with vegetables at any given meal.

    A healthy diet program requires planning and lots of knowledge, both in the supermarket and at the meal table but the results are more than worth it!

    I have given you some of the facts concerning a healthy diet but something that you do not see in many of these weekly diet regimes is a realistic approach, we are not all at home all the time, we are sitting in traffic or having meals in the canteen where you cannot dictate what is on the menu.

    Here are some healthy eating habits to think about and to bring into your new healthy eating lifestyle.

    ?Eat a good breakfast. When there isn't time to sit down and enjoy your morning meal, and oats are a good choice there, grab some fruit and some juice.

    ?If you only viable option is to eat fast foods, choose a pizza with half the cheese, a regular roast beef sandwich, baked potato, or green salad with reduced calorie dressing. Do not opt for things like fries, fried chicken or fish and remember to use low calorie dressing and not the regular variety.

    ?Always have healthy snacks close by to fend off sudden hunger attacks. These could be fresh or dried fruit, nuts, rice cakes, whole wheat crackers or raw vegetables with low fat yogurt or dip.

    ?Eat calcium rich food by including ample amounts of low fat yogurt, low fat cheese, milk and green leafy vegetables in your diet.

    ?If you need to lose weight, do it sensibly. Remember we are going for lifestyle changes not a quick fix starvation diet. The only safe way to lose weight, feel good while doing it, and keep it off is to eat a balanced diet.

    ?Reduce you sugar intake, use it sparingly and consider sweetening coffee, tea, cereal and fruit with sweeteners instead. Though sugar provides calories it supplies few other nutrients and it contributes significantly to tooth decay.

    ?Salad bars sound healthy but they can also be harmful. By all means go for the leafy greens, raw vegetable and fresh fruit as they are beneficial. But the creamy dressing, bacon bits, and mayonnaise based salads are not and the calories and fat they contain may equal or even exceed those of a burger and fries.

    ?Reduce or cut alcohol out completely, remember that alcohol supplies calories but has no nutritional value. A small beer, a glass of wine, or a shot of spirits contains about 100 calories. Adding this to the associated problems that are linked with drinking alcohol the benefits can be two-fold.

    ?Drink lots of water. Your body needs at least two or three pints a day, and if you exercise vigorously, this could be more. Try to keep a water bottle handy.


    About The Author
    Dave Odell has been a freelance writer since 1984, during which time he has lived and worked in Paris, Amsterdam, Antwerp and London until recently moving to the north of England. Though he has specialized in technically related matters his investigative skills has recently inspired him into writng articles and web sites on other subjects that he is interested in therefore expanding his knowledge in these areas.


    I was a young child during World War II. To make up for food shortages the government asked citizens to plant Victory Gardens. Like other families on our block, we had a garden in a vacant field. Weeding our Victory Garden was more than a war time activity, it was a social activity.

    Families caught up on news as they planted and harvested their crops. Picking vegetables - fat orange carrots, turgid Swiss chard, and giant potatoes - seemed miraculous to me. One day some older kids built a fire on a bare plot and we roasted potatoes. We ate the blackened potatoes without any butter or salt, and I can still remember how good they tasted.

    Vegetables fed the nation during World War II. We were a fit nation then because people walked to conserve gas, ate little protein (steak was a rarity), and were restricted by food stamps. No obese people lived on my block. In fact, I didn't know any obese people. How things have changed.

    America is no longer a fit nation, it is a fat nation, and the obesity statistics are alarming. According to the President's Council on Fitness and Sports 37% of Americans aren't physically active. More than 108 million Americans are either obese or overweight. Teens and younger kids are developing type 2 diabetes, formerly an adult disease.

    What can Americans do? We can eat more vegetables. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has posted an article on www.MyPyramid.com titled Why is it Important to Eat Vegetables? The reasons include reducing the risks of type 2 diabetes, stroke, mouth, stomach, and colon-rectum cancer, and heart disease. In other words, eating vegetables is a way to protect your health.

    Mayo Clinic has posted an article about the energy density of vegetables on its website. The article, Energy Density and Weight Loss: Feel Full on Fewer Calories, tells how energy density works. Many vegetables have low energy density, Mayo says, and you can eat large servings of them, feel full quickly, and because you feel full, consume fewer calories.

    Green vegetables are a good example. One serving of green beans, asparagus, or broccoli contains about 25 calories, according to Mayo Clinic. This number refers to plain vegetables, not vegetables drenched in butter or smothered in cheese sauce. Lightly dressed salads also have low energy density.

    The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says most of the space on your dinner plate should be filled with vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Eating lots of vegetables can help you reach and maintain a healthy weight, according to the CDC. To learn more log onto the CDC Homepage and print out How to Use Fruits and Vegetables to Help Manage Your Weight.

    Vegetables and daily walking have helped me to keep a healthy weight. I love vegetables, probably because of my childhood Victory Garden experience. But many Americans grimace when they think about fixing vegetables or eating them. Why? It takes time to wash and slice vegetables and Americans are short of time.

    Many of us don't know how to cook vegetables. A serving of limp, gray-green beans is hardly appealing. Carrots cooked until they are mush are a turn-off. How can we get Americans to eat more vegetables? We can explain cooking techniques.

    Steamed vegetables, for example, retain their color and crispness. The same is true of stir fried vegetables. I stir fry vegetables in a cast iron skillet. The skillet is so well seasoned that I need only a tablespoon (or less) of olive oil.

    Americans also need to learn how to season vegetables. Though I rarely cook with salt, sometimes I sprinkle light salt on vegetables. Most of the time I season vegetables with lemon pepper or fresh lemon juice. I also season them with fresh thyme, rosemary, basil, and garlic.

    Involving kids in meal preparation is another way to get Americans to eat vegetables. Older kids can cut the tips off of string beans, peel and slice carrots, or slice mushrooms. Younger kids can get pans out of the cupboard, measure ingredients, and set the table.

    Trying new vegetables, such as jicima, may also help Americans to eat more of them. Fresh vegetables add sparkle to any meal. We don't have Victory Gardens any more, but we can eat vegetables to prevent disease and maintain a healthy weight. Put vegetables at the top of your grocery list today!

    Copyright 2006 by Harriet Hodgson


    Harriet Hodgson has been a nonfiction writer for 27 years and is a member of the Association of Health Care Journalists. Before she became a health writer she was a food writer for the former Rochester Magazine in her home town of Rochester, MN. Her 24th book, Smiling Through Your Tears: Anticipating Grief, written with Lois Krahn, MD, is available from http://www.amazon.com. A five-star review of the book is posted on Amazon. You will also find another review on the American Hospice Foundation website under the School Corner heading.


    Dietary guidelines for adults 2 is, naturally, a follow up to article 1, and focuses on what foods constitute a good diet where article 1 focused upon why we need a good diet. My approach is that food should be fun because most health food aficionados that I know don?t seem to smile too often and therefore I don?t hold them up as good examples. Eating is a major part of life and life should be fun; if we only get one life what?s the point in being miserable? The challenge for healthy eating is to make healthy food fun to eat and reward yourself occasionally with a treat and to heck with the diet.

    We need to eat fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, dairy products and drink plenty of water to have a perfect diet. We also have to accept that certain people have allergies. The most common allergies are dairy products and nuts. Just because you have an allergy you shouldn?t use it as an excuse not to eat a healthy diet; if you can?t eat nuts eat more fruit or vegetables to compensate. Using a little common sense will overcome all perceived obstacles. Once you have a diet based upon healthy foods you can add a few luxuries like chocolate and ice cream providing it is within your daily calorie allowance.

    A healthy breakfast is cereal, or oatmeal (porridge) with fresh fruit and a glass of milk. If you are really rushed for time a fresh fruit smoothie is great. Alternatively a couple of slices of toasted whole-grain bread. Do away with common white bread it acts like glue in your intestines and creates digestive problems. If you take toast it is always sensible to eat at least one piece of fresh fruit.

    If you feel like a snack mid-morning eat a few nuts, a raw carrot or a piece of fruit.

    Lunch should consist of a sandwich made with whole-grain bread, a piece of fruit and some green salad leaves. - Common question: ?Should I add salad dressing?? - Why not. If you like salad dressing use it or the food becomes boring but use it in moderation.

    Afternoon snack ? same as morning snack.

    Dinner should have meat or fish; red meat is OK in reasonable servings about three times each week. It must have vegetables including peas or beans and if you can utilize fresh fruit for dessert that is even better. Berries are especially healthy and tasty.

    To summarize you must eat seven servings of fruit and/or vegetables every day. This is an absolute minimum requirement for a healthy body. Frozen is fine if you are unsure of the freshness of vegetables or fruit because it is snap frozen when fresh and retains the nutrients. Older fruit and vegetables lose nutrient value.

    There is much to play with in this diet and the challenge is to make it fun when mixed with some of your favorites.

    This article is copyright ? David McCarthy 2006 and may only be reproduced in its entirety with no additions or deletions.

    About The Author
    David McCarthy is a prolific article writer and webmaster at http://www.recipesmania.com a site dedicated to freely sharing knowledge of all things connected to food and diet. It contains recipes for all occasions, diet recipes and has a free weight control program.


    Continuing from my previous post on the Malaysian's dilemma of being able to 'eat clean', we need to first know that a balanced meal would need to consist of protein, carbs, and fat. Yes, this means that if you thought eating 'healthy' meant gobbling down vegetables and fruits all day, you're wrong. Those are just fad-diets that probably has a greater mental effect on you rather than actual results. I know someone who used to train at the gym, but practically survived on all sorts of blended fruit juices + a cabinet full of vitamins.. let me tell you that because of her so called 'healthy' diet, she ALWAYS looked tired, sick and nowhere near being fit at all. A balanced meal IS important.

    The nutrient ratios for protein/carbs/fat can vary based on what your goals are (to gain weight, maintenance, or to lose fat), but that's a topic on its own and would require another writeup altogether. What I'll cover today will hopefully help ensure that we'll at least get all the nutrient groups covered in a decent meal, minus the hidden nasties.

    So, you're at a restaurant and everything seems so unhealthy and oily.. and there seems like there's no way you can ever eat any of it without doing damage to your diet.


    I think the easiest and most practical option to get protein into your meal is to ensure you get a piece of chicken or fish. As for red meats like mutton and beef the problem lies with the restaurants often buying the cheaper cuts of meat, which are loaded with more fat than usual, so you might want to stay clear of the red meats.

    Choosing a piece of Chicken/Fish for protein content

    I personally always look for a piece of chicken thats soaking in curry instead of the ones that are stir-fried or deep fried. Some restaurants tend to cut up the chicken pieces into smaller pieces, which is bad because if the dish is generally an oily one, what happens is that those pieces of chicken now have a much wider surface area to absorb all that nasty oil. Stick to whole pieces, like a whole chicken breast, which is the leanest part of the chicken or a drumstick, which isn't that bad too. Meat from the wings and other pieces generally have more fat, skin, and less protein in them.

    To sometimes bump up the protein content a little, I add a hard-boiled egg to my meal. Fried eggs and yellowish omelettes are a no-no. It's useful to remember that any uncanny tint of yellow on food is most likely oil. It may not be that obvious until you touch it.


    Choosing vegetables as a source of carbs
    If you think this was gonna be the easiest... think again. The problem with how vegetables are prepared in most restaurants is that way too much of oil is used. Frankly, I don't see the need to use any oil at all for vegetables.. but then, I'm sure most cooks would disagree with me on that, so let's not go there. I'm reminded of the time when I scooped up some healthy looking long beans, only to realise in horror later that I could easily squeeze out about 5 drops of cooking oil from EVERY single piece (the oil was hidden n the hollow area of the beans).

    Even a stir-fried cabbage dish is prepared with way too much oil than necessary. Notice how some seemingly innocent vegetables dishes leave an almost fluorescent-green layer of oil on your plate once you've finished eating.. but its already too late then. The only oil-free vegetable dish I'm ever able to find at the restaurant are the cut-up cucumbers with pineapples, which I think they soak in a mild vinegar and sugar solution which is way better than the other oily choices, if you ask me.

    And of course, who can forget - RICE. Contrary to popular belief, rice isn't a bad thing at all. Think about it.. its oil free, and more than half of its weight is water. It's only when you stuff your face and eat it excessively, that is when it becomes a problem. Just remember that too much of any good thing can be bad too. As for me, I eat rice with some of my meals throughout the day, often at an equal portion size with my vegetables.


    Incorporating Fat into your meal?
    Although dietary fat forms part of a balanced meal, you could most likely do without the need to add any additional fat into your meal as what you're eating would already have sufficient (if not excessive) amounts of fat already present in the first place.

    I guess the message I'm trying to drive to you is to always take a few moments to think before you reach out and put that food onto your plate - think with your head, and not your tongue! Looks can be deceiving.

    Once you understand the basics of what your body needs and doesn't need, and also on how you can make more informed choices, you will soon realise that you will almost always be able to find something to eat at most places without having to bust your diet. Your meals can become the most simplest and easiest part of your quest to fitness if you only opened your eyes. It all depends on how willing you are to do it.

    Josh Stone, also known as DM, is the author behind the site http://www.dailymuscle.com which offers the author's personal views on real-life fitness, bodybuilding, sports nutrition, cardio, fat loss, training information, and on all things that surrounds fitness.


    The next step on your road to real health is supplements. And I?m not talking about one multivitamin a day either. Exactly what you take is up to you, but you need to get in the habit of taking quite a few pills or powders every day. In this article I?m going to lay out the case for supplements.

    You might be thinking, why supplement? By now, you should be eating more good food, fruits and vegetables, drinking more water, getting sunlight, and eating more whole grain foods. You should also be reading labels on food to avoid health-robbing ingredients. However, two factors work against you being able to get all the nutrients you need just from the food you eat.

    The first is soil depletion. Our farmers do produce a lot of food. However, the minerals in the soil, that the plants take up through their roots and then pass on to us, have been depleted. In medieval times, farmers would let a field lie fallow for one or two growing seasons. This allowed the soil to replenish itself. These days, this is not feasible. The plants do grow, of course, due to the use of either chemical or organic fertilizers.

    These plants grow and are healthy and good for you to eat. However, they often lack the minerals you need or have reduced amounts of them. So, to get all the you need, you would need to eat a lot of them. This is the second factor. In prehistoric times, people walked and gathered and ate, all day. They took in a lot of calories and expended a lot.

    You however, have other things to do. It has been estimated for you to get all the nutrients you need on a daily basis, you would have to eat 10,000 calories a day. You?d be eating all day and you?d obviously gain weight. This is not practical at all in today?s world.

    Supplements get their nutrients from whole foods. Vegetables, microalgae, grain, fruits, and other healthy foods are dried and combined, either in powder form or pill form. This makes it relatively easy to get the nutrients you need, without having to spend all day eating.

    Barbara Pfieffer writes about gaining real health on her blog, Real Health.


    Most of us now know that our soils are becoming depleted of essential, trace and rare minerals which are essential to our health as well as wellness. So it should not be a major shock that according to scientists at the 1992 Earth Summit in South America that the U.S.'s soils have, unfortunately, been depleted the most dramatically, with some eight-five percent of its essential minerals literally stripped out. And that was over ten years ago.

    So where have all the minerals gone to? Are they somewhere deep inside the earth beyond the reach of our tractors? Do minerals believe in reincarnation? Will they return in the next life to form of more enlightened minerals? The answer is no.

    Just to give you some background, minerals are the basic elements of the earth as well as the universe. Like energy, they simply can't be created (or eliminated, for that matter). The reason why mineral rich soil can be depleted is quite simple. They are absorbed into vegetables and fruits. Once those fruits and vegetables have been harvested and consumed, the minerals are gone for good. While plants can create proteins, carbohydrates and certain other nutrients to help enrich the soil, sadly they are unable create minerals.

    And let us not forget that a great deal of of our soil has been producing food for many centuries. Most of the minerals in these foods were consumed a long time ago by our forefathers. In addition, the synthetic fertilizers that are being sprayed on our fruts/vegetables makes it even harder for plants to absorb whatever essential minerals still remain in the soil.

    It is very simple-without the proper minerals, vitamins are useless, enzymes can't function correctly and some hormones are thrown out of balance. As a matter of fact, nothing can really work effectively. Our brain cells and nervous system transport electrical signals over a wide network of minerals to each section of our body. Each beat of our hearts and each cell has to have minerals just to be able to function.

    Sea vegetables are truly the ocean's nutritional gems; they are extremely rich in vegetable proteins and a full spectrum of chlorophyll, enzymes, amino acids, fiber as well as carotene. As a matter of fact, no single category of food has as diverse a mineral composition as sea vegetables do. They are the one and only vegetarian source of vitamin B-12 for cell health, with quantities close to the leading animal sources (beef and liver).

    Furthermore, sea vegetables still have the vital trace minerals such as selenium, boron and chromium that have been leached from the majority of our top soil.

    This article first appeared in the March 2006 Issue of the Zone Net Newsletter. There you can find high quality go to Sea Health Plus Liquid Vitamin Supplement from Dr. Barry Sears.



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