You may have heard about the glycemic index and wondered what it is all about. The glycemic index is a ranking of carbohydrates based on their immediate effect on blood glucose (blood sugar) levels. It compares foods gram for gram of carbohydrate. Carbohydrates that breakdown quickly during digestion have the highest glycemic indexes. The blood glucose response is fast and high. Carbohydrates that break down slowly, releasing glucose gradually into the blood stream, have low glycemic indexes.

Foods with a high glycemic index convert into sugar very quickly, with negative physical effects. Foods with a low glycemic index turn into sugar gradually, helping maintain your body's chemical balance. In general, foods with a low index are preferable.

Glycemic Load measures the amount of sugar a food actually releases in the body. Foods with a low glycemic load usually have a low glycemic index, yet still have a low glycemic load. Other foods have both a high index and a high load. You should avoid high load foods as a regular part of your meal plan.

When you choose carbohydrate foods, check both their glycemic index and glycemic load. Detailed tables with this information are widely available. Use the chart below to get started.

High Glycemic Index

  • Fruits and Vegetables
    • Corn
    • Cranberry juice
    • Orange juice*
    • Raisin

  • Starches
    • Bagel
    • Bread (white)
    • Refined cereal
    • Granola
    • Muffin
    • Pasta
    • Potato
    • Pretzel
    • Rice
    • Tortilla (flour)

    Medium Glycemic Index

    Fruits and Vegetables Starches Apricot* French Fries Grape* Oatmeal Pineapple* Pita Bread Watermelon Waffle

    Low Glycemic Index

    Fruits and Vegetables

    • Apple*
    • Asparagus*
    • Broccoli*
    • Brussels sprout*
    • Cauliflower*
    • Celery*
    • Cherry*
    • Cucumber*
    • Grapefruit*
    • Green Bean*
    • Green pepper*
    • Kiwi*
    • Lettuce*
    • Onion*
    • Orange*
    • Peach*
    • Plum*
    • Spinach*
    • Strawberry*
    • Tomato*
    • Zucchini*

    • * Low glycemic load foods.

    Simply eating more fruits and vegetables is not the answer - they must be the right fruits and vegetables. Starchy vegetables such as peas or lentils (200 to 250 calories per cup) are healthy, but they contain more calories than you may want. If you need to eat more to satisfy your hunger, add low glycemic load vegetables. For example, spinach and asparagus are better choices than higher calorie corn and peas. A cup of spinach topped with 1/2 cup of tomato sauce has only about 90 calories, but it gives you nutrients from two colour groups.

    Why Not Brown and Beige?

    When considering which foods to enjoy sparingly, also use colour as a guideline. Many brown and beige carbohydrates, like pasta, beans and potatoes, while healthy, also tend to be high in calories.

    Kim Beardsmore, M.Bus(HRM), B.Sc., is an Independent Herbalife Distributor and creator of the online magazine Weight Loss News. For more information about healthy weight loss, recipes and health visit Your online Herbalife store at

  • 0

    Before we go any further the word diet does not necessarily mean an act of losing weight but a style of eating. If you follow a healthy diet you will lose weight naturally and you will get into a lifestyle that will keep you weight stable.

    Every week a ?new healthy diet? comes out by some expert and it often appears that there are as many healthy diets as there are experts. Taking the cynical viewpoint these experts have only hit the world with a new regime to sell their latest book, DVD or new line of health food products. OK, everybody has different dietary needs due to their body type, metabolism, and genetic makeup but there are some basic guidelines that can be followed to keep to a healthy diet.

    One of the first steps to a healthy diet is to rid your body of all the rubbish that is already there. These are the toxins that have built up over time. Well one way of doing this is to go down to your local pharmacy and get a pre-packaged detox kit and follow that for a specified length of time. Or you could buy antioxidants in supplement form. These are both workable quick fixes but you really need to make you diet a lifestyle.

    Antioxidants are abundant in fruit and vegetables and generally, brightly coloured fruits and vegetables contain the highest levels of antioxidants: for example, yellow, orange, and dark green vegetables and citrus fruits. Now the Catch-22 in this is that you are better to be eating organic produce so that you are not introducing more toxins into the body as you neutralise the ones that are already there.

    Research has shown that children who regularly eat organic foods have lower levels of toxic chemicals in their bodies than those who only eat conventional foods.

    Fruits and vegetables are also high in other vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C is abundant in strawberries and oranges and this helps to support the immune system. Carrots and sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene, which is important for vision and high levels of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin K can be found in green leafed vegetables to support the health of our bones and teeth, among other things.

    Some helpful guidelines to follow: Eat two to four pieces of fresh fruit daily, and fill half your plate with vegetables at any given meal.

    A healthy diet program requires planning and lots of knowledge, both in the supermarket and at the meal table but the results are more than worth it!

    I have given you some of the facts concerning a healthy diet but something that you do not see in many of these weekly diet regimes is a realistic approach, we are not all at home all the time, we are sitting in traffic or having meals in the canteen where you cannot dictate what is on the menu.

    Here are some healthy eating habits to think about and to bring into your new healthy eating lifestyle.

    ?Eat a good breakfast. When there isn't time to sit down and enjoy your morning meal, and oats are a good choice there, grab some fruit and some juice.

    ?If you only viable option is to eat fast foods, choose a pizza with half the cheese, a regular roast beef sandwich, baked potato, or green salad with reduced calorie dressing. Do not opt for things like fries, fried chicken or fish and remember to use low calorie dressing and not the regular variety.

    ?Always have healthy snacks close by to fend off sudden hunger attacks. These could be fresh or dried fruit, nuts, rice cakes, whole wheat crackers or raw vegetables with low fat yogurt or dip.

    ?Eat calcium rich food by including ample amounts of low fat yogurt, low fat cheese, milk and green leafy vegetables in your diet.

    ?If you need to lose weight, do it sensibly. Remember we are going for lifestyle changes not a quick fix starvation diet. The only safe way to lose weight, feel good while doing it, and keep it off is to eat a balanced diet.

    ?Reduce you sugar intake, use it sparingly and consider sweetening coffee, tea, cereal and fruit with sweeteners instead. Though sugar provides calories it supplies few other nutrients and it contributes significantly to tooth decay.

    ?Salad bars sound healthy but they can also be harmful. By all means go for the leafy greens, raw vegetable and fresh fruit as they are beneficial. But the creamy dressing, bacon bits, and mayonnaise based salads are not and the calories and fat they contain may equal or even exceed those of a burger and fries.

    ?Reduce or cut alcohol out completely, remember that alcohol supplies calories but has no nutritional value. A small beer, a glass of wine, or a shot of spirits contains about 100 calories. Adding this to the associated problems that are linked with drinking alcohol the benefits can be two-fold.

    ?Drink lots of water. Your body needs at least two or three pints a day, and if you exercise vigorously, this could be more. Try to keep a water bottle handy.

    About The Author
    Dave Odell has been a freelance writer since 1984, during which time he has lived and worked in Paris, Amsterdam, Antwerp and London until recently moving to the north of England. Though he has specialized in technically related matters his investigative skills has recently inspired him into writng articles and web sites on other subjects that he is interested in therefore expanding his knowledge in these areas.


    Grow your own

    The cheapest method has got to be to grow your own. The great thing is that it doesn?t require you to have much garden space, or even a garden at all!

    We grow tomatoes, and strawberries in containers and the extra benefit is that you get total control over the growing conditions.

    The best combination is to have organic soil together with organically produced seeds or plants, that way you ensure you get the full flavour and benefit.

    Containers can be placed anywhere that receives a reasonable amount of daylight, which means that you can use them on balconies or other hard surfaces.

    Look for your local suppliers

    One of the most satisfying things to do is to buy organic food locally. That way you get the freshest ingredients for your kitchen and also get to support local businesses. With no transportation costs for the supplier too you should get very competitive prices.

    Don?t forget that these same businesses will be employing local staff so you are also helping the local economy, everybody wins in this scenario.

    Local markets

    We visit a big monthly market held on a disused airstrip. Organic food is just one of the variety of items sold there but the prices are very, very good indeed. Of course they are all local suppliers and with several of them in one place we benefit from healthy competition and get to sample a lot of fruit!

    Local box schemes

    If you are unable to get out of your house or are too busy working to select your groceries by hand then why not subscribe to an organic box scheme?

    You will receive, delivered to your door, a weekly selection of fruit and vegetables in season.

    Farm shops

    Finally, investigate whether any farms near you are operating an organic farm shop. Our local one is operated on an open farm so that you can go and see where the animals are being kept and take a look at the crops being grown.

    They actually have a well-designed walking route around the farm which makes a nice day out for the kids too.

    If you investigate the options above you should be able to make considerable savings whilst you and your family sample the delights and advantages of organic food.

    Virginia Louise is a keen convert to the organic way of life, having two children has especially highlighted the benefits to be gained by them from eating organically.

    Virginia runs an information site on the advantages of organic food where you can obtain lots of free information about what makes organic food so beneficial, where to get it and suggested recipes.


    Why is it that all of us cannot keep the skin we were born with. Well I?ve still got my skin but it has changed and, according to my mother, it has changed a lot. It would also need to have stretched a bit, well in my case stretched a lot. As we get older, things happen to our skin, like wrinkles. I have them but I am a man so I can get away with it. Unfortunately, ladies find it harder to get away with having a few wrinkles. As a man, I am not too bothered by a few wrinkles and as long as I keep my skin clean, I do not bother with it much and no one really notices. What we do notice though is skin on women, and because many men are somehow genetically programmed to be uncaring and insensitive about your skin, you spend a great deal of time and effort to make your skin look good.

    Why is it then that men can get away with wrinkles but women cannot? Is there anything you can do about it? If you adopt a skin care program then this should help to affect how your skin looks and more importantly it will affect how you feel as well, and that is very important. You have to remember that the skin is the largest organ in your body and so by adopting a skincare program you are looking after yourself.

    So what can you do about it? Well to start with after every shower even after you have dried yourself your skin is still damp and by applying moisturizer you are trapping moisture into your skin which is a great plus factor. Another one is to drink water and this hydration helps your skin as well. However, if you notice that even after this your skin is always dry and sometimes a little flakey, just visit your doctor to check things out. One other reason you should quickly visit is if there is a major change such as dark, (or lighter), skin patches and any changes or growth to moles you may have. Get these checked out just to make sure you have no problems.

    One thing to watch out for is the effect the sun has on your skin. The sun is at its fiercest when it is highest, which is generally at midday, so just take care. Applying a good sunscreen helps, and another thing to take into consideration is that elastin, which is a substance in your skin, breaks down under strong sunlight. This can cause the skin to sag so just be careful. It is a pity about the effects of sunlight on skin as most of us feel much happier when exposed to sunlight.

    Rather than buy every skincare product on the market there is a lot you can do to help your skin by developing your own personal skincare program.

    Healthy skin is helped by a healthy diet, and a healthy diet is usually a balanced diet containing fresh vegetables and fruit. Both of these have been found to contain antioxidants which can help your skin protect itself from day to day living. To get the best values from fruit and veg though it must be fresh or only lightly cooked.

    Another important factor in skincare is skin hydration and this is helped by drinking a sensibly amount of water. I have seen it suggested that 4 to 8 cups a day is sensible but if you are drinking bottled mineral water check the chemical makeup of the water as some are high in sodium which means high salt levels. Do not fall into the trap that drinking 4 to 8 cups of coffee a day, (which is mainly water after all), is as good for you. Coffee contains plenty of caffeine which helps the body to dispose of water. I had a great idea that I would drink beer instead of coffee as that is mainly water, but drinks containing alcohol, (including wine,) do not class as water either. It does not have to be bottled water either; tap water is fine as long as it is pure and clean. Not at bedtime though as drinking late at night means your body may retain this water causing your skin to stretch a little which is not something you want to happen.

    Your skin also stretches when you become overweight and after a diet, and loosing weight, you will need to exercise to tone your skin into shape again. A younger person has more flexible skin but when you are older your skin is not as flexible and it becomes harder to tone your skin after loosing weight. The answer is not to try and put on weight in the first place but that is not always easy especially as we get older. However please try to keep weight gain off your skin care program as the two do not go together.

    Whatever you decide to do, do some research and find out what will work best for you. One way of doing this is to talk to people selling skincare products in stores. Although their job is to try and sell you their product, they will still give you good advice. You could ask your friends as well, as some of them may be able to guide you in the right direction. Whatever you decide to do, good luck.

    Ric Wiley is an established writer and Internet author. His latest advice site about skincare can be found at


    We know we need to eat a minimum of 5 servings of fruit and vegetables everyday. Actually now, to prevent cancer, 8 to 13 servings per day are recommended. A serving is one cup of raw fruits or vegetables, or ? cup cooked. At a recent lecture I asked a lunch audience to raise their hand if they had at least one fruit or vegetable already that day. No one in that group raised their hand. This is not uncommon. Our processed and convenience foods contain very few fruits and vegetables.

    To prevent chronic diseases, fruits and especially vegetables are very important. Vegetables especially have the antioxidants, minerals, and phytochemicals in the correct combination that help keep the blood sugar in balance, create better energy in the body, and along with fruits build up the immune system.

    Each color found in fruits and vegetables focus on building the immune system in its own way. It is important to get a variety of colors, so that you will get a full range of phytochemicals (beneficial plant chemicals) in your daily diet. Research is finding that eating whole fruits and vegetables gives you many more nutrients than you could possible add to a vitamin and mineral supplement. There are over 12,000 phytochemicals, and I have yet to see a supplement, unless it has whole fruits and vegetables in it, have all of the 180 different vitamins or minerals that are required by our body to function daily.

    The different colors in fruits and vegetables help our immune system react to different stresses in our daily life. So look at the different colors in your diet. See if they include each of the colors listed below. This is one way to know that you are getting the full benefit of nutrients possible in your diet.

    Green Foods ? broccoli, kale, leaf and romaine lettuce, spinach, cabbage and Brussels sprouts.

    Green foods are especially good for the circulatory system. They contain many minerals and B-complex vitamins. Some phytochemicals found in green foods are sulforaphane and indoles that are very powerful anti-cancer compounds. Researchers have tried to use these as isolated phytochemicals but find that they only work while in the whole food form.

    Red Foods ? tomatoes, watermelon, red cabbage.

    Red foods contain many phytochemicals that reduce free radical damage. The phytochemical called lycopene is especially helpful to prevent prostate problems, and reduce the effects of sun damage on the skin. Lycopene is the phytochemical that make the red foods get their red color.

    Orange Foods ? carrots, pumpkin, squash, sweet potatoes, apricots, cantaloupe.

    The orange foods have the carotenoids the help prevent cancer by repairing the DNA. As our mothers told us, carrots, and other orange foods, are especially good for our eyes, and help with night vision. The deep orange foods help our bodies get the vitamin A we need, without getting excess that can lead to osteoporosis.

    Green/Yellow Foods ? yellow corn, green peas, collard greens, avocado and honeydew melon.

    This combination of green and yellow foods contains the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin that help reduce the risk of developing cataracts and macular degeneration. These foods are also helpful in reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

    Orange /Yellow Foods ? oranges, pineapple, tangerines, peaches, papaya, nectarines

    These foods that are orange and yellow in color are high in antioxidants, especially Vitamin C, and help to improve the health of the mucus membranes and connective tissue. They help prevent heart disease by improving circulation and preventing inflammation.

    White/Green Foods ? onions, garlic, celery, pears, chives

    White and green combination foods contain a variety of phytochemicals. Garlic and onions contain allicin, the anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal phytochemical, and they can act as a poor man?s antibiotic. Add garlic and onions in your meals to reduce the effects of potential toxicity of high fat meats. Celery has many minerals, especially organic sodium, that keeps the fluid in the joints healthy.

    Red/Blue/Purple Foods ? red apples, beets, blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, prunes, concord grapes, blackberries.

    These dark colored red/blue/purple foods are very rich in powerful antioxidants called anthocyanins that protect again heart disease by improving circulation and preventing blood clots. They have many anti-aging phytochemicals that keep the blood circulating reducing the effects of the Standard American Diet rich in trans fats and processed foods.

    When you make a salad make sure you have a variety of different colors. Strive to get at least 5 colors on your plate. Use fruits to balance the rest of the colors needed. This way you will get closer to the 8 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables required, and you will get the variety of nutrients you need daily.

    Jane Oelke, N.D., Ph.D. is a Traditional Naturopath and Doctor of Homeopathy in southwest Michigan. She is the author of ?Natural Choices for Fibromyalgia? and ?Natural Choices for Attention Deficit Disorder.? She is a professional speaker on natural health topics. She can be contacted at or through her website at


    In today's fast paced, fast food world, most of us need to improve our daily diet by eating more vegetables. For optimum health that means 3 to 5 servings a day. Try these twelve ways to easily (and deliciously) incorporate more veggies into your meals and snacks.

    1. In the winter, make one pot meals, like soups, stews, and chowders. Use a combination of fresh and frozen vegetables. Turnips, parsnips, and other vegetables you might not enjoy on their own are quite satisfying in a hearty winter soup or stew.

    2. Make a simple tossed salad part of your dinner every night. No need to wash and cut up veggies. Buy salads already prepared, so all you have to do is open the bag, put the salad in a bowl or on a plate and add some low-fat or low-calorie dressing. Toss in a few sunflower seed kernels, dried nuts, or sprouts for extra crunch and additional nutrients.

    3. Trade potato chips and other high fat, high calorie snack foods for matchstick carrots. Again, buy the carrots already washed and prepared. They may seem a bit expensive but there's no waste (if you actually eat the carrots and don't leave them to rot in the crisper of your refrigerator).

    4. Make at least one stir-fry meal a week. Experiment with various stir- fry recipes to come up with your favorite variation of vegetables, seasonings, and a small amount of meat. Use fresh veggies, or try some of the many frozen varieties of stir-fry mixes available at the supermarket.

    5. Try a chicken and veggie fajita for dinner or lunch at least once a week. Simply cook diced chicken and chopped onion in a few tablespoons of oil. Add seasoning (look for fajita seasoning in the spice section of your supermarket). When the chicken has cooked all the way through, and the onions are translucent, add chopped green, yellow, and red peppers and continue cooking until they soften. Put a couple of spoonfuls of the cooked veggies and chicken in the center of a flour tortilla, add some shredded cheese, and fold as you would for a burrito.

    6. Add shredded carrots or zucchini to meatloaf or meatballs.

    7. Instead of a meat lover's pizza, order (or make) a veggie lover's pizza once in a while.

    8. Serve low calorie dips with fresh veggies instead of chips and crackers.

    9. If you get tired of salads, try slaw. Browse cookbooks for recipes that include red cabbage and interesting ingredients besides the ordinary green cabbage and carrots.

    10.Experiment with vegetable casseroles. Broccoli and Rice is an easy one that most families will eat. You'll find recipes for some variation of this in many cookbooks, or try the all time kid's favorite, Green Bean Casserole.

    11.Make a simple and satisfying veggie quiche for dinner once in a while. Use a frozen pie crust and all you'll need to prepare is the filling.

    12.Drink vegetable juice for a morning or afternoon snack. Also add it those hearty soups and stews you rustle up for dinner.

    Once you start thinking about it, you'll find it really isn't that difficult to incorporate more fresh and frozen vegetables into your daily diet.

    Suzanne Lieurance is a freelance writer, children's author, and owner of the Three Angels Gourmet Co. Read her daily food tips at or visit for heavenly gourmet mixes.


    Do you wonder where your power and your energy have gone? Does it seem like the endless power you had as a youth has melted away somewhere? Does it feel like old age came a little sooner than you thought it should? Take a moment to consider this: your age has nothing to do with your energy level. Neither does your sex, your job, or your social security number. These are all only labels.

    You and only you create your energy level. The decisions you make every day are what drives the powerhouse inside of you that creates and determines your energy level. So lets give you some simple ?meat and potatoes? steps that will drive your energy factor up and save you from an addiction to things like caffeine and energy drinks. We?ll start from the most obvious and move to the simplest and most important:

    Rule Number One: Garbage In Equals Garbage Out

    Do not expect to receive any energy from junk foods and junk drinks. Only living, organic foods provide real energy. This means fresh, organic and kosher prepared meats, organically prepared fruits and vegetables, and home made fresh squeezed drinks from organic fruits and vegetables. Can?t always do this? Just try. Try to replace one item of food and one item you drink every day with a living, organic food. You will watch your energy level rise and your extra weight drop.

    Rule Number Two: Take Your Vitamins

    A multi vitamin and/or mineral combined with a daily essential fatty acid can and will round off the corners missing in your diet. Get a good brand and stick with a daily supplementation program.

    Rule Number Three (last and most importantly): Maintain a Flexible and Balanced Body

    Your body?s internal furnace will not create power if your body is stiff or inflexible. Flexibility is earned, not given: you have to create and maintain your own personal flexibility if you want any amount of energy and personal power. Your body?s ability to create energy and fight disease depends one hundred percent on its ability to function, and it cannot function in a stiff, inflexible body.

    Take the time to learn the steps that must be learned to regain your flexibility. If you were forced to have a choice, a balanced and flexible body will go farther than an imbalanced and stiff body stuffed with expensive supplements and organic foods. Take action. Assess your flexibility and learn the simple rules and methods to regaining the flexibility and balance your body was born to have.

    The most powerful foundation you can have to build a healthy body and to have an energetic life is to make certain the incredible body you were born in is functioning at the top levels it was designed to function at.

    About the Author:

    Dr. Bryan Brodeur has a Family Chiropractic Clinic in St. Albert, Alberta, Canada, is the owner of the health web site, VitalityHouse, and the author of the fitness e-book, Vitalism.


    Many people see broccoli as nothing more than another green vegetable that they are supposed to consume as part of the eat five a day regieme.

    Well people that is where you are wrong. Broccoli is not just another vegetable broccoli is in fact a super vegetable that can help fight against and prevent cancer. So lets look at broccoli a little closer.

    Broccoli contains life-enhancing, health-enhancing phytochemicals that protect all ten of the body's healing zones and broccoli is also among the foods that are richest in these agents. Broccoli's phytochemicals help protect the body from Cancer, cardiovaascular disorders and premature aging but in this article we are focusing on Cancer.

    Broccoli has been recognised as the number one vegetable by the National Cancer Institute and if you want to prevent your body from getting cancer it is suggested that one half cup of broccoli a day will do just that.

    A half a cup of broccoli per day can provide the body with protection from various types of cancer including cancer of the oesophagus, lungs, larynx, stomach, colon, prostate and mouth. So what is the magic ingrediant? Sulforaphane, an antioxidant that works by bonding with toxins it encounters and then flushes these toxic substances from the body.

    The antioxidants in broccoli also inactivate oestrogens that are known as 16 alphahydroxyestrone. These oestrogens promote cancer of the ovaries, breasts and cervix.

    Broccoli also contains both the beta and alphacarotenes and this is what accounts for broccoli's ability to both resist and even help to reverse lung cancer and also slow the growth rate of tumours.

    That's not all broccoli also contains high chlorophyll levels and this helps to block pre-cancerous cell mutations.

    One serving of broccoli will also provide you with 125% more vitamin C than that of a glass of orange juice and together with the anticancer antioxidant beta-carotene broccoli helps to reduce the risk of respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tumours.

    So as you can see broccoli really is the B when it comes to beating cancer. Don't you think it's time you started eating more broccoli.

    Amanda Evans SNHS (Nutrition) is a qualified Nutritional Therapist and freelance writer. Amanda is also the webmaster of a website dedicated to helping others achieve their dreams of becoming writers.


    What Is Fibre?

    Fibre is the part of the plant that we eat and cannot digest. But while it is still in our body it can do a great deal of good for us.

    There Are Two Kinds of Fibre

    ? Soluble Fibre
    ? Insoluble Fibre

    Soluble Fibre is the kind of fibre that dissolves in water. You can get soluble fibre from eating fruit. Especially good is when eating an apple, don?t peel it (wash it well) but in the skin is where the fibre is hiding.

    Insoluble Fibre does not dissolve in water. It is found in most vegetables and grains.

    What Foods Contain Fibre?

    Soluble Fibre is found in:

    ? Beans (they have both kinds of fibre)
    ? Oatmeal and Oat Bran
    ? Some Fruits, eg Apples, Mangoes, Plums, Kiwi, Pears, most of the berry fruits, Peaches, Citrus Fruits, Dried Fruit and some Vegetables such as Dried Peas, Beans and Lentils.

    Insoluble Fibre is found in:

    ? Whole Grains
    ? Pasta
    ? Bran
    ? Brown Rice
    ? Seeds
    ? Beans
    ? Vegetables eg Carrots and Celery

    How Much Fibre Do We Need?

    As Fibre is not considered a Nutrient (Like Vitamins, Minerals, Proteins, Fats) there is no Recommended Daily Average. But some Health Care Experts have said that we need 7.5 ozs or 20 ? 35 grams per day.

    If you are not used to having a High Fibre Diet, it would be better to start increasing your Daily Intake of Fibre gradually over several weeks. Otherwise, if you increase your Fibre Intake too quickly, you may suffer with stomach cramps and discomfort.

    What Are The Advantages Of Having Fibre In Your Diet?

    Eating a diet that contains a lot of Fibre has been shown to lower Blood Cholesterol Levels. So lower Cholesterol Levels can help prevent Heart Disease. It can also prevent Constipation and slow down the whole Digestive System. Fibre can also help us to eat less, so we lose weight.

    Our bodies need Roughage to help with our Digestive Processes. The bulky substance cleans the Colon as it makes its way through our Digestive Tract.

    Studies have shown that large amounts of Fibre in the Diet can help regulate Blood Glucose and Insulin

    Some Ways To Get More Fibre

    ? Have more Whole Grains. Wholemeal Bread, Cooked Brown Rice,
    ? For Breakfast. Raisin Bran, Cooked Oatmeal.
    ? Eat Beans several times a week.
    ? Have several servings of Fruit every day.
    ? The same with Vegetables. Have a variety of Vegetables every day.

    If you increase your Fibre Intake, it can only be to the benefit of your Health and Well-being.

    Copyright 2006 Eva Moffat

    This article was written by Eva Moffat a disabled 66 year old woman, living in Manchester, England. Feel free to use this article on your website, or in your E-Zine or Newsletter. But please leave this Resource Box intact. For more health related articles like this one, you can see them on my website or E-Mail me on


    Eat more vegetables when you want to lose weight. You've heard it before and you know the benefits:

  • Hard to overeat. You can eat potato chips all day and night, but you quickly feel stuffed on carrot and celery sticks.
  • Feel fuller faster.
  • Decrease meat content by adding more vegetables.
  • But eating more vegetables is often easier said than done. Try these painless ways to sneak more vegetables into your diet:

    • Precut vegetables into serving-size portions and place in the refrigerator for easy access. Make your vegetables as convenient to eat as any other snack food and you will eat more of them.
    • Serve your vegetables on a beautiful plate or bowl. Break out the china or treat yourself to a funky new serving platter.
    • Serve vegetables in fancy shapes. Use cookie cutters or learn how to make roses, palm trees, birds, and other creations with vegetables. You have fun decorating cakes and cookies, why not vegetables? There are simple courses on the market teaching vegetable garnishing. This web site offers books, videos, and other tools for decorating with food:
    • Create a salad bar with healthy dips and those vegetable decorations you learned to make. Dips include low fat salad dressing, peanut butter, cottage cheese, and salsa.
    • Slice vegetables thin and layer them in sandwiches.
    • Got a shredder? Choose a variety of vegetables you don't normally eat: asparagus, parsnips, beets, whatever strikes your fancy. Shred them together and top with your favorite dressing.
    • When serving hamburgers, sloppy joes, pizza or any other kid-pleasing fare, toss in some shredded carrots or broccoli. Just a small amount will blend right into a red sauce and boost the nutritional value of any dish. While you've got the shredder out, shred more vegetables and package them in zip-lock bags or air-tight containers for the next meal.
    • In beef stew, cut the meat in half and double the vegetables. Try adding another vegetable along with the traditional carrots and potatoes. You'll still have the meaty taste, but with lower fat and calorie content.
    • Traditional nori seaweed wraps form the outer casing of sushi. You can buy nori made from vegetables or fruits and use it in place of tortillas or sandwich bread. Asian grocers or health food stores carry this product, or you can order on-line.
    • Hide vegetables in chocolate cake. Add tomato juice or pureed spinach to the batter. You won't be able to taste the veggies after the cake is baked!
    • Learn to cook spaghetti squash. A 4-ounce serving has less than 40 calories! Spaghetti squash can be boiled, baked, slow cooked, or microwaved. Once tender, pull a fork through squash to tear out spaghetti-like shreds. Ladle on tomato sauce perked up with shredded carrots, mushrooms, and sliced broccoli. Nutritious and delicious!
    • Try grilled kabobs. Cut bite-size pieces of vegetables and grill them on skewers or alternate with chunks of meat. Add a tasty marinade.

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    It all started by two business men. There names were William Proctor and James Gamble. William Proctor was a candle maker and James Gamble was a soap maker. They formed the soon to be billion dollar company named Proctor & Gamble.

    William was an immigrant from England and Proctor was an immigrant from Ireland. These two met by a weird twist of fate, they married each other?s sisters. On April 12, 1837 they started selling there products candles, and soaps. There business bloomed even more during the Civil War where they were given multiple contracts to supply the union army with there products.

    Once the war was over the soldiers continued purchasing their products. James Norris Gamble, made an inexpensive but yet very high quality soap, he named the product IVORY. Over time the company chose to shift there interest into soap making, because with the invention of electricity, candles were no longer needed. The business started to bloom again and the demand for their products exceeded their production so they started to diversify and focused on a lot of different products. One of these products was the famous Crisco invented in 1911 that would forever change the world. This was an ingenious invention, and Proctor knew that so that?s why he urged his business partner to push for advertising and marketing of the new product.

    They traveled all over the country and promoted their product through free cook books. Most of these recipes consisted of cookies and cakes, and were an instant hit. American women love the pie crust because it was an easier and longer lasting crust. Soon these pioneer hydrogenated oils started re-placing butter and lard. Soon margarine was invented and was supposedly healthier for you. These oils lasted longer than other oils.

    They no longer had to go door to door like they did for milk and eggs. These oils were like a miracle, and it soon change the health of America. Some people will argue that trans fat don?t have any effect on humans. Well, people are entitled to think what they want but the facts are there. In 1900 America was the healthiest nation in the world! That?s right the healthiest nation. Today we are the wealthiest nation, but we are extremely far from even being in the top ten healthiest nation. We have advanced technology and medicine, but that won?t save people from killing themselves through the food they eat.

    Doug Purcell
    Certified Personal Trainer
    Alternative Medicine Expert
    Owner of



    authorHello, my name is Jim Black. I'm interested in healthy cooking and fitness.


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