History of Trans Fats

It all started by two business men. There names were William Proctor and James Gamble. William Proctor was a candle maker and James Gamble was a soap maker. They formed the soon to be billion dollar company named Proctor & Gamble.

William was an immigrant from England and Proctor was an immigrant from Ireland. These two met by a weird twist of fate, they married each other?s sisters. On April 12, 1837 they started selling there products candles, and soaps. There business bloomed even more during the Civil War where they were given multiple contracts to supply the union army with there products.

Once the war was over the soldiers continued purchasing their products. James Norris Gamble, made an inexpensive but yet very high quality soap, he named the product IVORY. Over time the company chose to shift there interest into soap making, because with the invention of electricity, candles were no longer needed. The business started to bloom again and the demand for their products exceeded their production so they started to diversify and focused on a lot of different products. One of these products was the famous Crisco invented in 1911 that would forever change the world. This was an ingenious invention, and Proctor knew that so that?s why he urged his business partner to push for advertising and marketing of the new product.

They traveled all over the country and promoted their product through free cook books. Most of these recipes consisted of cookies and cakes, and were an instant hit. American women love the pie crust because it was an easier and longer lasting crust. Soon these pioneer hydrogenated oils started re-placing butter and lard. Soon margarine was invented and was supposedly healthier for you. These oils lasted longer than other oils.

They no longer had to go door to door like they did for milk and eggs. These oils were like a miracle, and it soon change the health of America. Some people will argue that trans fat don?t have any effect on humans. Well, people are entitled to think what they want but the facts are there. In 1900 America was the healthiest nation in the world! That?s right the healthiest nation. Today we are the wealthiest nation, but we are extremely far from even being in the top ten healthiest nation. We have advanced technology and medicine, but that won?t save people from killing themselves through the food they eat.

Doug Purcell
Certified Personal Trainer
Alternative Medicine Expert
Owner of www.cardiacgym.com

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